根据日本自 2023 年 10 月 1 日开始实施的账单制度,企业必须提供并保存合格账单,以获得消费税采购的抵扣。
- 什么是合格退款申请表?
- 什么时候需要合格退款申请表?
- 合格退款申请表的提供时间
- 合格退款申请表的要求和示例
- 免于提供合格退款申请表的交易
此表有时称为“退货账单”,必须由受消费税影响的纳税企业提供并保存,以申请采购抵扣。所有 B2B) 企业都需要充分了解合格退款申请表所需的信息及其出具时间。
请注意,如果卖方未能出具合格退款申请表,将与未出具合格账单时的处罚相同,卖方可能面临最长一年监禁或最高 50 万日元的罚款。有关更多信息,请参阅日本国税局 (NTA) 关于合格账单等文件的禁令和处罚。
根据 NTA 的规定,合格退款申请表的保存期为七年,从纳税期最后一天的两个月后开始计算。
在卖方的纳税实体开具合格账单后,如因任何原因对买方进行补偿或退款类操作,则必须出具合格退款申请表。根据日本消费税 (JCT),这被称为“销售对价返还”,以下是主要符合合格退款申请表要求的情况。
例如,如果买方以 50 万日元购买商品,随后卖方决定将商品价格降低 3 万日元,则会出具合格申请表。
例如,根据事先安排的合同,A 公司为每件 B 公司从 A 公司购买并销售的产品支付一定的销售奖励。
在这种情况下,当 B 公司(买方)在购买时向 A 公司(卖方)支付款项时,双方的交易就成立了。随后,A 公司在已售商品后向 B 公司支付应得的销售奖励。A 公司会向 B 公司开具一份合格退款申请表(但如果 B 公司为向 A 公司申请销售奖励而填写的奖励申请表符合合格退款申请表的要求,则 A 公司不需要再另行开具一张)。
Timing of provision of a qualified refund claim form
A qualified refund claim form must be issued when the “return of consideration for sales” described in the previous section is actually made. It is not issued by the seller when the return is confirmed but instead when the reimbursement for it is processed.
However, in cases such as the sales incentive described earlier, if the buyer issues a payment notice to the seller and retains a copy to apply for the purchase tax credit, the seller is not required to issue a qualified refund claim form if this payment notice meets the requirements.
One note of caution: remember that, unlike a qualified refund claim form, a qualified invoice is usually issued when the claim is finalized.
Requirements and examples of qualified refund claim forms
There are no specific rules regarding the format or writing style of the qualified refund claim form, but this information must be accurate and straightforward to understand.
Name and registration number of the qualified invoicing entity
Name of the entity issuing the qualified refund claim form (name for sole proprietors) and registration number.Date of return, etc.
As a qualified refund claim form is issued at the time of the return, the date it was made needs to be listed as the document’s issue date. This will clarify when it needs to be applied to the consumption tax calculation.Date of the transaction on which the return, etc. was made
Include the date of the original transaction that corresponds to the return so it is clear which past sales were discounted or returned.Details of the transaction, such as returns, etc. (indicating that the item is subject to the reduced tax rate)
Include a description of the applicable goods or services, so it is clear which are being discounted or returned. If any of these items are subject to the reduced tax rate, use “*” for the subject item and state that it is also subject to the reduced tax rate (8%) in a separate box.Total amount of returns, etc., broken down by tax rate (excluding or including tax)
Total amount of returns, etc., broken down by standard tax rate of 10% and reduced tax rate of 8%. Either excluding or including tax is fine, but be sure to clearly indicate this.Consumption tax on the amount of the refund, etc., or the applicable tax rate
Total consumption tax on the reimbursement amount, broken down by tax rate. Alternatively, the applicable tax rate can be listed, and it is acceptable to list both.
Qualified refund claim form example
See below for an example of a qualified refund claim form that contains the details listed above.

Stripe 可以创建合规账单并处理各种账单相关需求;Stripe Invoicing 将帮助您优化后勤运营。在退款的情况下,Stripe Invoicing 的一项功能是允许您出具一份符合合格退款申请表要求的贷项通知单。
此外,Stripe Tax 中所含的自动消费税计算功能可以根据您的需求进行定制,自动化处理所有电子交易的税务,使您的业务更加顺畅和高效。
返还金额少于 10,000 日元(含税)的交易
根据 NTA 的《小额退货账单交付义务的豁免摘要》,如果相关的应税金额少于 10,000 日元,则免于提供合格退款申请表。这适用于与需要出具合格账单的交易相关的返还。交易不需要合格账单的情况
如果原始交易不需要合格账单,则也不需要提交合格退款申请表。例如,对于难以出具合格账单的交易,如低于 30,000 日元的公共交通费用或从自动贩卖机或服务机购买商品的情况,根据账单系统的豁免规定,这两种文件都无需出具。详情请参考 NTA 的《合格账单制度(账单制度)指南(P18)》。
本文中的内容仅供一般信息和教育目的,不应被解释为法律或税务建议。Stripe 不保证或担保文章中信息的准确性、完整性、充分性或时效性。您应该寻求在您的司法管辖区获得执业许可的合格律师或会计师的建议,以就您的特定情况提供建议。