您的时间很宝贵。何不寻求一个合作伙伴来提供您需要的 Stripe 体验,或者用 Stripe Apps 整合关键的工作流程,使您的团队能专注于业务上的优先事项?
让合作伙伴来完成繁重的工作或编程。Stripe 合作伙伴可帮助各种规模的机构,并提供您在整个业务中使用 Stripe 时所需的任何协助。
获得专家帮助,在 Stripe 的金融基础设施上进行构建,从而实现业务转型。
将 Stripe 集成到您的业务流程和 IT 基础设施之中。
Find partners who have earned Stripe specializations to demonstrate their proficiency. Specializations are the highest designation that partners can earn. These partners have completed rigorous assessments and demonstrate proven customer success with Stripe solutions.
Partners with a strong track record of successfully delivering implementations of Stripe products.
Partners who have earned the Services Implementation specialization and demonstrate additional expertise for implementing Stripe Billing solutions.
Impulse Creative 是一家营销机构,通过 HubSpot 等 CRM 服务供应商,帮助企业提供恰当的用户体验,从而助力客户企业发展。
Impulse Creative 当时在寻求一种数字化 B2B 支付的方式,在不采用传统“购物车”体验的情况下,对其培训和指导客户的服务进行收费。
HubSpot 在其客户关系管理系统中构建了一个由 Stripe 支持的原生支付解决方案,允许 Impulse Creative 创建定制产品,并实时将支付链接嵌入着陆页。
Impulse Creative 着陆页的访客转化率提升了 16%。
HubSpot 支付功能设置的简单程度,着实让我们吃惊。他们这种创建定制产品、简化以及将支付体验嵌入着陆页的能力令人惊叹。
River Island 是一个多渠道时尚品牌,在英国拥有 245 家店铺,在超过 125 个全球市场拥有重要的线上业务。
River Island 成立于 1948 年,当时面临着来自新的线上零售商的竞争。它需要以客户为中心的高科技解决方案来实现全渠道客户之旅。
River Island 聘请了 IT 咨询公司 Cabiri 来帮助实施几个 Stripe 产品,以取代其分散的系统,包括 Stripe Payments、Stripe Elements 和 Stripe Terminal。Stripe 现在处理着 River Island 商店中的所有自助结账,以及该零售商 100% 的线上销售。
River Island 的授权率提高了 4%,从订单审核到完成交易的客户增加了 2%。现在,有越来越多的客户完成结账,越来越多提交的付款被批准,River Island 预计收入将大幅增长。
在与 Stripe 合作的前 12 个月中,我们预计销售额会比以前增加数百万。
KINTO is a Japan-based producer of home and lifestyle goods dedicated to creating thoughtful objects that bring comfort and inspiration to its customers’ everyday lives.
KINTO USA had to manually reconcile payments and invoices between Stripe and NetSuite, which was a time-consuming and inefficient process. It needed a way to streamline operations, enhance customer support, and drive growth in the US.
To seamlessly process transactions, synchronize records, and more, KINTO USA used PayPack, a no-code NetSuite solution developed by Nova Module.
With PayPack, KINTO was able to connect Stripe with NetSuite in just a few days, saving more than six hours daily in manual payment processing tasks. This improved customer satisfaction, accelerated order processing, and enabled KINTO to expand its offering of local payment methods.
We work on a prepaid model, so orders aren’t shipped until they’re paid. With PayPack and Stripe, we’ve become super efficient in sending payment links and receiving those payments. The faster we can process payments, the faster we can ship products, and the faster KINTO can grow.
Bikes Online 是一家总部位于澳大利亚悉尼、直接面对消费者的线上零售商,专注于零售公路自行车、山地自行车和自行车配件。
Bikes Online 需要一个有效的、可定制的欺诈预防系统,以及能够支持公司向新地区发展的解决方案。
Maropost 可以提供集库存管理、订单管理和运输标签为一体的一站式解决方案。他们为使用 Stripe 的客户提供了无缝的结账和支付体验,从而缩短了结账时间,并获得了更多的支付方式。
自启动以来,Bikes Online 的美国业务增长了 10 倍,每月接受的交易量增加了 40000 美元,每个市场的欺诈预防成本每月节省 10000 美元。
Stripe 和 Maropost 最让我惊讶的是人与人之间的联系。我们有机会与一个参与度超高的团队合作,他们对建立我们的业务充满热情,帮助我们快速解决问题。
了解 Stripe 如何助力各规模商家。