How to accept credit cards in Australia: a quick guide for businesses


Accept payments online, in person, and around the world with a payments solution built for any business – from scaling startups to global enterprises.

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  1. Introduction
  2. What businesses need to know about credit cards in Australia
  3. Factors to consider when accepting credit card payments in Australia
    1. Assess transaction channels
    2. Decide on services needed
    3. Research payment providers
    4. Compare and contrast
    5. Select a provider
  4. Accepting credit card payments online in Australia
    1. Setting up a payment gateway
    2. Compliance and security
    3. Understanding fees and charges
    4. Local considerations
    5. Ongoing management
  5. Challenges and considerations with credit card payments in Australia
    1. Regulatory environment
    2. Market characteristics
    3. Technical and infrastructural aspects
    4. Customer trust and expectations
    5. Competitive environment
  6. How Stripe supports credit card payments in Australia

In 2022, a quarter of all customer payments in Australia used credit cards, while debit cards and cash accounted for 50% and 13% of transactions respectively. As digital commerce proliferates, businesses are adapting by integrating more flexible and diverse payment methods into their business models in order to cater to customer preferences. Credit cards, of course, are high on that list.

Below, we'll go through the important information that businesses should know if they're planning to accept credit card payments in Australia, including how payment gateways and compliance work in the country. Here's what you should know.

What's in this article?

  • What businesses need to know about credit cards in Australia
  • Factors to consider when accepting credit card payments in Australia
  • Accepting credit card payments online in Australia
  • Challenges and considerations with credit card payments in Australia
  • How Stripe supports credit card payments in Australia

What businesses need to know about credit cards in Australia

In Australia, credit card usage is supported by a mature financial services sector with a well-established institutional network. Australians have been using credit cards since 1974 and the payment method is deeply woven into their financial system. Credit cards in Australia are subject to strong regulatory standards to protect both customers and businesses, including:

  • Interchange fee cap
    Banks charge other banks interchange fees for processing credit card transactions. These fees are limited to an average of 0.5% per transaction, which prevents them from becoming excessive.

  • Surcharge permission
    Businesses have the option to add a small extra fee onto credit card transactions that covers the processing costs imposed by card networks.

  • No forced acceptance
    Previously, if a business accepted an issuer's credit card, they had to accept its debit card, too. Now, a business can choose to accept one type of card and not the other.

  • Expanded access
    New rules make it easier for more players to join the payment systems market, which fosters a more competitive environment.

The prevalence of credit card payments feeds into the broader digital payment system in Australia. With the rise of e-commerce and mobile transactions, credit cards have become a key part of online purchases, facilitating quick and (often) real-time payments across a variety of platforms and services.

For businesses, accepting credit card payments means providing customers with a familiar and trusted payment method. This includes physical card transactions in addition to the burgeoning sector of mobile and digital wallets, which are often linked to credit cards.

But accepting credit cards is not without its challenges. Businesses must contend with transaction fees, chargeback risks and stringent data security standards that protect sensitive customer information. These considerations require a thoughtful strategy to balance customer convenience with operational and financial prudence.

As Australia continues to move away from a cash-dependent economy, the role of credit cards will likely evolve, especially as innovations in payment technology continue to emerge.

Factors to consider when accepting credit card payments in Australia

Setting up credit card processing in Australia means supporting your potential customers' payment habits while meeting the needs of your business. Here are the steps for a business to set up credit card processing in Australia:

Assess transaction channels

  • Determine if sales will occur in person, online, on mobile devices or through a combination of these channels.

Decide on services needed

  • Evaluate additional services such as inventory management, loyalty programmes and reporting tools that could work in tandem with your payment system.

Research payment providers

  • Explore different merchant service providers, including banks and independent payment processors.
  • Look into omni-channel payment providers such as Stripe that offer a unified payment solution across multiple channels.

Compare and contrast

  • Compare fees, security features, settlement times and customer service support for various providers.
  • Check for compatibility with your existing business systems.

Select a provider

  • Choose a provider that fits your specific needs, whether this involves a single channel or omni-channel approach.
  • Consider the provider's track record in security and reliability, as well as its support for evolving payment technologies.
  • Once you've selected a provider, proceed with the setup process for each payment type:

Choosing an omni-channel provider allows you to manage all your payment streams in a cohesive, efficient manner – a strategic advantage for most businesses.

Accepting credit card payments online in Australia

Accepting credit card payments online in Australia involves several steps, as well as considerations that will help you comply with local regulations and meet customer expectations. You'll need to set up an appropriate payment gateway, make sure that you're complying with payment security standards and understand the fee structures involved. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

Setting up a payment gateway

  • Choose a payment gateway provider
    Options for payment gateway providers include popular international providers such as Stripe, as well as providers used by locals in Australia, such as Eway or Afterpay. Base your selection on factors such as transaction fees, payment methods supported and ease of use with your existing e-commerce platform.

  • Integrate your payment gateway with your e-commerce platform
    Your chosen payment gateway should be able to be easily integrated into your website. Most e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce or Magento, have plugins or built-in support for major payment gateways.

  • Merchant account considerations
    Some payment gateways require you to have a merchant account, a type of bank account that allows your business to accept credit card payments. In some cases, the payment gateway provider might offer its own merchant account services.

Compliance and security

  • PCI DSS compliance
    Make sure that your systems comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This is a global, mandatory security measure to protect cardholder data. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines.

  • SSL certificate
    Secure your website with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. This protects sensitive credit card information by encrypting data transmitted between your website and your customers.

  • Fraud prevention
    Implement fraud detection and prevention tools. Many payment gateways offer services such as address verification and CVV checks to minimise the risk of fraudulent transactions.

Understanding fees and charges

  • Transaction fees
    Typically, these fees are a percentage of each sale plus a fixed fee, with rates varying between payment processing providers. Factors that can influence transaction fees include your business type, transaction volume and any risk factors that you have (for fraud and chargebacks, etc.).

  • Chargeback fees
    When a customer disputes a transaction and a chargeback occurs, businesses usually must pay a fee. It's important to have a grasp on these fees and the process for handling disputes.

  • Settlement periods
    Understand the time it takes for funds to be transferred from the payment gateway to your bank account. This varies between providers and can impact your cash flow.

Local considerations

  • GST and tax compliance
    Confirm that your online payment system is set up to handle goods and services tax (GST) appropriately. In Australia, GST is a 10% tax on most goods and services sales that's typically included in the price that customers see.

  • Australian Consumer Law compliance
    Familiarise yourself with the Australian Consumer Law to ensure that your online sales practices are compliant – especially with regard to refunds, returns and customer rights.

  • Multi-currency support
    If you serve international customers, consider a payment gateway that supports multiple currencies and handles currency conversion automatically.

Ongoing management

  • Ongoing management
    Regularly review and update your payment system. This includes keeping software up to date, reassessing your payment gateway provider based on evolving business needs and monitoring transaction fees for competitiveness.

  • Customer support
    Provide robust customer support for payment-related inquiries. This could include having a dedicated section on your website for payment FAQs or providing direct support channels via email or phone.

  • Reporting and reconciliation
    Use the reporting tools that your payment gateway provides. Regular reporting helps with reconciling transactions, understanding sales patterns and financial planning.

  • Data analytics
    Analyse transaction data to gain insights into customer behaviour, popular products and peak sales periods. This can inform marketing strategies and business decisions.

  • Marketing and promotions
    Consider how you can use your payment options to appeal to customers – for instance, by highlighting the security of your transactions.

Challenges and considerations with credit card payments in Australia

In Australia, the credit card payment environment involves specific challenges and considerations that are unique to the country's market and regulatory framework. These include:

Regulatory environment

  • Banking regulations
    Australian banks are governed by strict regulations, which can impact how credit card transactions are processed and settled. This can lead to delays or additional scrutiny for businesses, especially new or small-scale operators.

  • Customer data standards
    The Consumer Data Right (CDR) in Australia mandates how customer data can be collected and used. Businesses must ensure that their credit card processing methods align with these standards, which can require additional investment in data security and compliance infrastructure.

  • GST compliance
    For businesses operating in Australia, applying and remitting GST accurately is key. This requires sophisticated accounting systems for compliance and tracking.

Market characteristics

  • Preference for contactless payments
    Australians have a strong preference for contactless payments, including tap-to-pay credit card transactions. This requires businesses to maintain up-to-date technology capable of handling such transactions efficiently.

  • High penetration of credit cards
    The number of credit cards in use in Australia is estimated to reach 24 million by 2028, so businesses should be prepared to support a diverse range of credit card brands and types – each with their own fee structures and processing requirements.

  • Currency conversion and international transactions
    For businesses that deal with international customers, managing currency conversion and cross-border transaction fees is important. The Australian market is particularly sensitive to these issues due to its geographic location and strong global trade ties.

Technical and infrastructural aspects

  • Internet connectivity
    While Australia has widespread internet coverage, there are still areas with limited connectivity. Businesses in remote areas may face challenges in processing online credit card payments consistently.

  • E-commerce integration
    Building your payment systems into your e-commerce platforms is key. However, Australian businesses often face challenges in finding solutions that are compatible with both local and international market needs.

Customer trust and expectations

  • Fraud and security concerns
    The high use of credit cards brings an increased risk of fraud. Businesses must invest in robust security measures to build customer trust.

  • Customer service expectations
    Australian customers may expect high levels of customer service – including in areas related to credit card payments, such as refunds, disputes and transaction assistance.

Competitive environment

  • Dominance of major banks
    A few major banks dominate the Australian market, which can limit the options available to businesses for merchant services and may affect fees and terms of service.

How Stripe supports credit card payments in Australia

Stripe, a global online payment processing platform, provides comprehensive support for businesses that accept credit card payments from customers in Australia. Stripe's system is designed to create a simple and secure payment experience for businesses and their customers. Here's how Stripe facilitates credit card payments in Australia:

  • Multiple payment methods
    Stripe allows Australian businesses to accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express and more. This wide range can help businesses cater to a broader customer base.

  • Local and international payments
    Stripe's platform is equipped to handle both local and international credit card transactions, making it an ideal solution for businesses that operate domestically and globally.

  • Currency conversion
    For international transactions, Stripe supports currency conversion, allowing customers to pay in their local currency while businesses receive payments in Australian dollars (or another preferred currency).

  • Security and compliance
    Stripe adheres to the highest industry standards, including PCI DSS, to guarantee safe and secure transactions. This compliance is significant in protecting both business and customer data.

  • Fraud detection and prevention
    Stripe uses advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions. This feature is key to minimising the risk of chargebacks and unauthorised payments.

  • Easy integration
    Stripe offers a range of integration options for businesses, including pre-built checkout pages and customisable application programming interfaces (APIs). This flexibility helps businesses create a streamlined payment experience that aligns with their website's or app's design.

  • Real-time reporting and analytics
    Stripe provides real-time data and analytics, offering businesses insights into payment trends, successful and failed transactions and customer behaviour – information that can be invaluable in making informed business decisions.

Learn more about accepting credit card payments with Stripe in Australia.

Ready to get started?

Create an account and start accepting payments – no contracts or banking details required. Or, contact us to design a custom package for your business.