How businesses can accept buy now, pay later



  1. 导言
  2. What is buy now, pay later?
  3. 人们用“先买后付”来购买什么?
  4. 先买后付如何运作?
  5. 谁有资格先买后付?
  6. Benefits of buy now, pay later
  7. 如何接受先买后付
  8. 先买后付提供商


近年来流行的一种支付方式是 先买后付 (BNPL)。到 2025 年,先买后付的预计价值约为 4380 亿美元,占全球电子商务交易总额的 (5.3%);比 2021 年的 2.9% 有所上升。



  • 什么是先买后付?
  • 人们用“先买后付”来购买什么?
  • 先买后付如何运作?
  • 谁有资格先买后付?
  • 先买后付的好处
  • 如何接受先买后付
  • 选择先买后付提供商

What is buy now, pay later?

Buy now, pay later allows customers to pay in installments over time instead of paying the full purchase price upfront.

With buy now, pay later, the full purchase price breaks down into multiple payments, and the first payment is due at the time of purchase. Subsequent payments are due over the following weeks or months. Sometimes interest is added to the payments, but many buy now, pay later providers offer interest-free repayment options.


客户可以使用“先买后付”购买各种商品和服务。根据 2021 年 Credit Karma 调查,以下是消费者通过 BNPL 购买的热门商品:

  • 家居和家具用品:42%
  • 电子产品(耳机、扬声器、吸尘器):30%
  • 服装(服装、鞋子等):24%
  • 汽车(轮胎、维修等):21%
  • 配饰(珠宝、手表、手袋):14%
  • 美容与健康(化妆品、护肤品、香水):12%
  • 健身和装备:12%
  • 酒店或住宿:10%
  • 奢侈品:10%
  • 旅行用品(行李箱、露营装备、背包):8%
  • 音乐会或音乐节:6%
  • 机票:5%

根据同一项调查,44% 的美国消费者使用过先买后付,以便在 2021 年进行购买。75% 使用过 BNPL 服务的人至少使用过两次,这表明他们喜欢这种支付方式。随着消费者对这种融资方式的热情增加,越来越多的企业正在寻找哪种 BNPL 选项最适合他们。


客户在结账时会看到 BNPL 支付方式以及其他方式。如果客户选择先买后付,BNPL 提供商将在几秒钟内检查他们的资格。一旦客户获批可使用 BNPL 选项,该企业将获得预付款,并免受欺诈和客户付款风险的影响。对于大多数实现,客户提交初始付款。但是,有一些选项支持稍后全额支付。

然后,BNPL 提供商将余款分成几笔固定数量的未来付款,在接下来的几周或几个月内付清。如前所述,可以在付款中增加利息,但许多提供商提供无息还款选项。未来的付款可以自动从客户的银行账户中扣除(通过支票或银行转账),也可以从他们的信用卡或借记卡中扣除。


客户获批标准因 BNPL 提供商和申请的融资金额而异。只需几次付款就能还清的低价商品通常对审批要求不那么严格,而较贵的商品可能要求客户有较好的信用记录。

Benefits of buy now, pay later

BNPL appeals to both consumers and businesses because it’s a relatively simple way to make purchases more manageable. Here are a few of the main benefits of buy now, pay later:

  • Increases average order value and conversion
    BNPL removes a huge cost barrier for customers by letting them pay in installments over time. This allows customers the opportunity to purchase higher-value goods, such as furniture or luxury items. BNPL methods also help increase the average cart size by allowing customers to buy more lower-value goods. This results in higher average order values and increased conversion.

  • Improves customer experience
    Customers have very different payment preferences. The more payment methods a business accepts, the more likely they are to convert customers and drive sales. With BNPL, businesses aren’t just adding one more payment method to their list of available options.They’re making higher-ticket purchases accessible to a much larger audience.

  • Allows customers to take advantage of sales and promotions
    Buy now, pay later makes it easier for customers to strategically time their purchases around promotions, even if they aren’t able to pay for the entire purchase upfront. For approved buyers, buy now, pay later is potentially a great tool for saving money.

  • Reduces risk for businesses
    With BNPL, businesses are still paid the full purchase amount upfront (less fees). The BNPL provider handles the tasks of underwriting customers and managing and collecting payments so businesses can focus on their day-to-day. If a customer files a fraud-related dispute,the BNPL provider takes on the risk and any associated costs.

  • Removes complexity from payments
    Unlike other types of loans, the structure and terms of buy now, pay later are usually very straightforward and easy to understand.


Stripe 通过单一集成轻松接受先买后付。符合条件的企业可以在几分钟内接受 Stripe 的“先买后付”选项,无需任何额外的申请、入驻或审批流程。访问管理平台,了解您有资格选择哪些先买后付选项。


Relevant payer geography
加拿大,美国 澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、英国、美国 澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、加拿大、捷克、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、新西兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、荷兰、英国、美国 澳大利亚
Repayment options
  • Pay in 4 interest-free installments
  • 每月支付,最长 36 个月
  • 分 4 期支付,无利息
  • 每月支付,最长 12 个月(仅限美国)
  • Pay in 3 or 4 interest-free installments
  • 30 天内支付
  • Pay now with stored payment details
  • Monthly payments for up to 36 months
  • Pay in “N”灵活付款,最长 3 个月免息
  • 特定企业可享受“N”期免息付款,最长 36 个月
最低 50 美元;最高 30,000 美元 最低 1 美元;最高 1000 - 4000 美元或等值本地货币(因地区而异) $10 minimum or local equivalent. $5,000+ for financing possible; maximum varies by customer 1000 至 5000 澳元;特定企业为 5 万澳元
Active customer base
全球 3100 万客户 全球 2000 万客户 全球 1500 万客户 在澳大利亚和新西兰有 320 万客户


选择合适的 BNPL 提供商取决于您的特定业务需求和客户资料。对于许多企业来说,与多个提供商合作是最佳策略。在比较各种选项时,请注意几个关键因素,这些因素将决定哪些提供商可能最适合您的企业:

  • 地点
    并非每个 BNPL 提供商都在各个市场开展业务,因此请确保您选择的提供商在地理位置上与您的业务相匹配。

  • 期限
    每个 BNPL 提供商都有自己的框架来设定还款期限。查看您最常处理的交易类型,并选择为您提供最佳期限的先买后付提供商。例如,如果您经常出售标价较高的商品,请选择提供的还款期限超过四期(这是较便宜商品常见的分期付款期数)的 BNPL 提供商。

  • 信用额度
    信用额度因客户而异,但每个 BNPL 提供商都可根据自己的意愿扩展固定信用额度范围。确保此固定范围与客户可能需要融资的购买价值保持一致。

本文中的内容仅供一般信息和教育目的,不应被解释为法律或税务建议。Stripe 不保证或担保文章中信息的准确性、完整性、充分性或时效性。您应该寻求在您的司法管辖区获得执业许可的合格律师或会计师的建议,以就您的特定情况提供建议。





Payments 文档

查找 Stripe 的付款 API 集成指南。