How to accept payments online without a merchant account

Do you need a merchant account? Here’s what merchant accounts are, how they help businesses accept online payments, and why you might not need one.


รับชำระเงินออนไลน์ ที่จุดขาย และทั่วโลกด้วยโซลูชันการชำระเงินที่สร้างมาสำหรับธุรกิจทุกขนาด ตั้งแต่ธุรกิจสตาร์ทอัพไปจนถึงองค์กรใหญ่ระดับโลก

  1. บทแนะนำ
  2. What is a merchant account?
  3. Merchant account vs. business bank account
  4. How do merchant accounts work?
  5. The downsides of merchant accounts
  6. What is a payment facilitator (payfac)?
  7. How to accept credit card payments without a merchant account
  8. How to accept payments online without a merchant account
  9. Stripe benefits vs. merchant accounts

As a business owner, deciding how to accept payments from customers is an essential task with countless possible solutions. The type of payment setup you need depends on where your business operates, who your customers are, and how they prefer to pay. For instance, a handyperson’s payment setup probably won’t resemble that of an ecommerce retailer. But big or small, every business that conducts customer transactions online shares a common goal: to make the process as simple, comprehensive, and accommodating as possible. Choosing to accept payments online without a merchant account is one way to streamline your payment processing strategy.

What’s in this article?

  • What is a merchant account?
  • Merchant account vs. business bank account
  • How do merchant accounts work?
  • The downsides of merchant accounts
  • What is a payment facilitator (payfac)?
  • How to accept credit card payments without a merchant account
  • How to accept payments online without a merchant account
  • Stripe benefits vs. merchant accounts

What is a merchant account?

A merchant account is a bank account used specifically to hold funds from a customer transaction before they are deposited into the merchant’s business bank account. A merchant account acts as a holding tank for funds from a customer transaction; it’s the first place the funds land after the transaction is processed.

Banks and financial institutions that provide merchant services offer these accounts. Sometimes the same banks that issue merchant accounts will supply businesses with payment gateway hardware or software, but often they provide only the account and leave the business to piece together a complete payment system using third-party providers.

Merchant account vs. business bank account

The two major differences between a merchant account and a regular business bank account are 1) how the account is used and 2) who operates and maintains the account. A merchant’s regular business bank account, which the merchant’s bank or credit union owns, is the account from which they can send and receive payments related to every aspect of business operations: paying employees, paying rent on retail spaces, paying for their website, etc. A business bank account is used in the ways we typically associate with a standard bank account.

Merchant accounts, on the other hand, are used for just one purpose: holding funds from a customer sale immediately after the transaction is complete and moving these funds to the merchant’s primary business bank account. Merchant accounts are not bank accounts from which payments are issued (other than moving funds into the main business bank account).

How do merchant accounts work?

Merchant accounts play an important role in the complex process that takes place after a customer initiates a credit card transaction. When the transaction begins (the credit card is swiped, inserted, or tapped at the point of sale, or the credit card information is input for online checkout), the payment is sent to the merchant’s credit card processor that then contacts the bank that issued the customer’s credit card via the credit card network. So all those players are immediately in the mix.

Once the issuing bank confirms that the customer has adequate funds or credit to cover the cost of the transaction, it approves a funds transfer for that amount. This transfer is then deposited into the merchant account, which is owned by the merchant’s credit card processor, not their actual bank. This is a short “layover” for the funds. It’s only after funds have been deposited into the merchant account that they can be routed to the merchant’s actual business bank account.

If this seems unduly complicated, well, many people will agree with you—which is why most merchants don’t process payments according to this exact process anymore. More on that in a bit.

The downsides of merchant accounts

Although merchant accounts have historically enabled businesses to process customer payments, they come with their own set of cons that speak to the slowness, difficulty, and relative risk associated with conventional (read: pre-tech and now rapidly becoming outdated) payment processing methods. Here are a few notable disadvantages of merchant accounts:

  • Increased risk of fraud:
    Due to the many different parts of the credit card transaction process and the multiple parties involved in completing them, there is an increased risk associated with such “piecemeal” payments. Think of it like this: The credit card transaction process is a relay race, with the payment processor, merchant account, issuing bank, and credit card network all responsible for running different legs. The transaction information and funds make up the baton that must be passed between each party. But imagine that there’s some fraudulent actor on the field, and every time the baton changes hands, this dark figure attempts to take advantage of the potential opening. That’s the difficulty when it comes to processing credit card transactions using a conventional payment setup and a merchant account: Even when every party does an exceptional job of tending to security concerns, the more parties involved in a transaction, the less ability they have to maintain total control over the security of the entire process.

  • Merchant account underwriting:
    The fraud risk is not lost on the banks that issue merchant accounts. Because of this, they take measures to mitigate their risk when providing a merchant account—and those measures can translate into tedious underwriting processes for the merchant businesses themselves. During the underwriting process for a new merchant account, banks consider the following factors:

    • What industry the business is in
    • How long the business has been operating
    • Business history (payment history, defaults, bankruptcies, etc.)
    • Any previous merchant account history
    • The applicant’s personal credit history
  • Merchant account fees:
    Merchant accounts are notorious for their fees, including (but definitely not limited to):

    • Application fees
    • Setup fees
    • Account maintenance fees
    • Transaction fees
    • Currency conversion fees
    • Monthly minimum fees
    • Chargeback fees
    • Batch fees
    • Annual fees
    • Early termination fees

Those are a lot of fees. The actual dollar amount of these fees can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, including what arises during the underwriting process. For example, if you have a newer business and a less-than-perfect personal credit history, your fees will almost certainly be higher than those of someone with a more established business and better personal credit.

  • Merchant account transfer delays:
    Because funds from a customer transaction land in the merchant account before the merchant’s business bank account, and because these transactions are often processed in batches (as opposed to individually in real time), there are often delays between when a customer transaction takes place and when the funds arrive at their final destination. For businesses that operate with a comfortable cushion of funds on hand, this isn’t a huge deal. For others, having payments hit your account on a delay can mean bills are paid late or payroll doesn’t go out on time. If nothing else, it disrupts a merchant’s ability to reliably predict their cash flow, which isn’t ideal for any business.

What is a payment facilitator (payfac)?

A payment facilitator, also known as a payfac, is a provider that extends all the functionality of a merchant account to merchants without requiring them to go through the process of acquiring their own individual merchant account. Instead, the payfac has a master merchant account that it uses to process payments for all the “sub-merchants” in its network.

How to accept credit card payments without a merchant account

Because using a merchant account through a merchant service provider is a relatively bulky and expensive way to handle credit card payments, many merchants simply aren’t interested in going that route anymore. Which begs the question: How do you accept credit card payments from customers when you don’t have a merchant account? The answer for most merchants is using a more modern, technology-first payfac solution from a commerce provider like Stripe. Using a payfac is increasingly becoming the preferred way for merchants to accept credit card payments from customers without a merchant account of their own.

In addition to a payfac service that can functionally replace a merchant account, merchants also need a basic battery of hardware and software to accept credit card payments from customers, including:

  • Point-of-sale hardware and software
  • A card reader for in-person purchases, ideally one that can accept these payment types:
    • Swiped card payments, using a credit or debit card’s magnetic stripe (magstripe)
    • EMV chip payments, in which you insert the credit or debit card into the reader
    • Contactless payments, using near-field communication (NFC) technology
  • A business bank account (Again, this is different from a merchant account.)

How to accept payments online without a merchant account

For online payments, merchants will need a digital storefront, either on their own website or on a platform or marketplace (e.g., Etsy, Airbnb). On merchants’ owned ecommerce websites, they’ll need a checkout interface with a payment gateway that can accept credit and debit card details.

Stripe’s payfac solutions can empower businesses to accept payments online without a merchant account or merchant identification number (MID) of their own. Most payments providers that fill the role for businesses that merchant accounts used to serve, like Stripe, offer a full scope of services that make end-to-end online transactions possible without the need for a merchant account.

Stripe benefits vs. merchant accounts

Stripe, which is a tech-enabled evolution on the traditional payfac model, is a complete solution that combines the functionality of a merchant account and a gateway in one. This means businesses only need Stripe to accept payments and deposit funds into their business bank account. Stripe offers numerous benefits for businesses compared to accepting payments using a conventional merchant account.

  • Stripe benefits for individual businesses:
    For individual businesses, using Stripe instead of a merchant account means perks like:

    • A vastly streamlined application and onboarding process
    • Lower fees
    • Access to an expansive range of additional merchant services, all operating within a cohesive ecosystem

In other words, Stripe is easier, less expensive, and massively more functional than using a separate merchant account. For businesses that use (or plan to use) Stripe in any capacity, it’s worth noting that Stripe can’t be used with external merchant accounts.

  • Stripe benefits for platforms and marketplaces:
    Compared to single-merchant businesses, platforms and marketplaces have unique needs when it comes to accepting and processing payments, largely based on the two things most of them have in common:

    • Whatever they’re doing with payments, they must be able to do it at scale.
    • Their payments process is a fundamental part of their customer experience, raising the stakes even higher.

Beyond simply facilitating payments, Stripe empowers platforms and marketplaces to leverage payments as a way to differentiate themselves, cultivate an elevated customer experience, and monetize transactions on their platforms. And of course, all the benefits for individual businesses also apply to platforms and marketplaces that use Stripe instead of merchant accounts. To learn more about using Stripe to accept payments without a merchant account, here’s how to get started.

เนื้อหาในบทความนี้มีไว้เพื่อให้ข้อมูลทั่วไปและมีจุดประสงค์เพื่อการศึกษาเท่านั้น ไม่ควรใช้เป็นคําแนะนําทางกฎหมายหรือภาษี Stripe ไม่รับประกันหรือรับประกันความถูกต้อง ความสมบูรณ์ ความไม่เพียงพอ หรือความเป็นปัจจุบันของข้อมูลในบทความ คุณควรขอคําแนะนําจากทนายความที่มีอํานาจหรือนักบัญชีที่ได้รับใบอนุญาตให้ประกอบกิจการในเขตอํานาจศาลเพื่อรับคําแนะนําที่ตรงกับสถานการณ์ของคุณ


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