How to write an invoice email: Key components and best practices


Stripe Invoicing 是一个全球账单软件平台,旨在为您节省时间,快速收款。只需短短几分钟,即可创建账单并发给您的客户——无需代码。

  1. 导言
  2. 什么是发票电子邮件?
  3. 发票电子邮件的主要组成部分
  4. How to write an invoice
  5. How to write an invoice email
  6. 发票邮件示例

准确及时的发票可以提高管理效率,并直接影响企业的财务状况和关系。不清晰的发票 电子邮件可能导致延迟付款或纠纷,使企业与客户的关系紧张。



  • 什么是发票电子邮件?
  • 发票电子邮件的主要组成部分
  • 如何开具发票
  • 如何撰写发票电子邮件
  • 发票电子邮件示例




一封有效的发票 电子邮件包含多种元素,使沟通透明、可信、可操作。以下是主要组成部分:

  • 明确的主题行:撰写直白、描述性的主题行,让收件人立即了解电子邮件的意图。例如,“来自 ABC 类公司的发票 #12345”或“3 月服务的付款请求”。

  • 发件人识别:使用可识别的地址(最好是包含企业名称或网站域名的地址)发送邮件,以降低邮件被标记为垃圾邮件或被收件人忽略的风险。

  • 个性化问候语:在问候语中使用收件人的姓名或企业名称,以建立联系,并表明该电子邮件不是普通或自动发送的信息。

  • 发票明细:突出显示发票号码、应付款总额和付款到期日等细节,方便收件人快速了解自己的义务。

  • 详细分类:逐项列出您提供的服务或产品及其单项成本,以提高透明度。这部分内容可以放在电子邮件正文中,也可以放在附件中。

  • 支付方式:列出可接受的付款方式,无论是信用卡、银行转账、支票还是其他选项。

  • 链接或附件:明确指出您是否以嵌入式链接或附件的形式提供发票,并添加如何访问发票的直接说明。

  • 联系方式:为任何与账单相关的问题提供联系信息,以便收件人能够轻松解决问题、解决错误或寻求澄清。

  • 条款和条件:明确说明任何相关条款,例如滞纳金或提前付款折扣,以充分告知收件人其作为或不作为的影响。

  • 明确的号召性用语:添加直接提示,例如“请在 [到期日]之前处理此付款”或“点击此处立即付款”,以引导收件人进行下一步。


How to write an invoice

Sending an invoice requires precision, planning, and professionalism. Here’s an overview of the steps and best practices for invoicing:

  1. Prepare the invoice: Collect any necessary data, such as product details and pricing. If you regularly issue invoices, consider using invoicing software, such as Stripe Invoicing, to automate and manage this task efficiently.
  2. Review the invoice: Every invoice should be accurate. Double-check all details, especially recipient information, costs, and payment deadlines. Mistakes can cause disputes and unwanted delays.
  3. Send the invoice: Choose a delivery method that reflects your business, whether it’s sending an email, mailing a paper invoice, or using the digital delivery services offered by invoicing platforms. No matter which method you choose, make sure to send the invoice to the right person or department and to send it at the right time.
  4. Follow up proactively: Sometimes customers overlook invoices. Send systematic reminders, ideally before the due date, to keep payments on time. If payment becomes overdue, continue with regular follow-ups.
  5. Document the payment receipt: Once you receive a payment, document it immediately in your accounting system. This helps with tax compliance and provides valuable data for future financial planning.
  6. Address overdue payments: If an invoice remains unpaid, decide on your next steps. Options include charging late fees or halting services. Always reference the terms stated in the invoice and uphold any agreements made with the customer.

How to write an invoice email

Invoice emails can set the tone for the transaction. An effective invoice email should capture the customer’s attention, provide clarity, and prompt timely action. Here’s how to craft these emails:

  1. Ensure clarity in the subject line: Your subject line should clearly describe the email content. Consider “Invoice #12345 from [Your Company Name]” for example, or “Billing Details for [Month/Service].”
  2. Greet with familiarity: Start with a personalized greeting. Use the recipient’s name, fostering a connection and signaling the email’s intended audience.
  3. Get to the point: Immediately after your greeting, mention the purpose of the email. For instance, “Attached is the invoice for services rendered for [Month/Service].”
  4. Include important details: Provide a brief overview of the most important invoice details. This might include the total amount, a payment due date, and a brief description of the services or products.
  5. Attach the invoice: Always attach the invoice as a PDF or provide a secure link to view it online. This ensures readability across various platforms and devices.
  6. Outline payment methods: Detail how the recipient can complete the payment. Whether it’s a bank transfer, credit card payment, or another method, provide clear instructions.
  7. Express gratitude: Even in routine business transactions, a simple “Thank you for your business” can maintain positive relationships.
  8. Offer assistance: End with a note indicating your willingness to help. For example, “Should you have any questions or require further details, please don’t hesitate to contact us.”
  9. Include your signature: Finish with your professional signature. This should include your name, position, and company contact details.
  10. Proofread: Before sending the email, review it for clarity and accuracy. It will reflect your professionalism and attention to detail.

This approach will result in a generic invoice that will suffice in most cases. However, you should refine your approach to creating invoices based on your business, your customers, and how you expect payment transactions to occur.




主题:[服务/产品名称]的发票 #12345 - 到期[日期]



总金额:[金额] 美元








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Invoicing 文档

用 Stripe Invoicing 创建并管理一次性付款账单。