Marketplace payments – the basics: What to consider when choosing a provider


Accept payments online, in person, and around the world with a payments solution built for any business – from scaling startups to global enterprises.

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  1. Introduction
  2. What is a marketplace?
  3. Why are marketplace payments so important?
  4. Choosing a payment provider for a marketplace
  5. Stripe Connect for marketplace payments

By 2027, third-party sellers through marketplaces are expected to capture 59% of global e-commerce sales, an increase from 56% in 2022. One important aspect of marketplace operations is payment processing.

The way in which a marketplace handles transactions can affect its overall growth trajectory, as well as multiple aspects of its business, from user experience to revenue generation. Adopting a strategic approach to payment processing can also help businesses to build trust with their users, maintain compliance with regulations, and scale their operations as they expand into new markets or introduce new offerings.

Marketplace businesses need a thorough understanding of marketplace payments in order to optimise their platforms and stay ahead of the competition. We'll cover the complexities, considerations and best practices involved in managing payments within a marketplace context.

What's in this article?

  • What is a marketplace?
  • Why are marketplace payments so important?
  • Choosing a payment provider for a marketplace
  • Stripe Connect for marketplace payments

What is a marketplace?

A marketplace is an online platform which facilitates buying and selling between multiple third-party sellers and buyers. It acts as an intermediary, connecting sellers who list their products or services with buyers. Some well-known examples of online marketplaces include Amazon, eBay and Airbnb.

Why are marketplace payments so important?

Selecting a payments infrastructure affects many facets of a marketplace business, from user experience to global reach. An optimised payments infrastructure is not just a mechanism for money exchange, but also a strategic asset that can drive user satisfaction, facilitate growth and foster trust.

Here's an overview of the key aspects of a marketplace that payments affect:

  • User experience
    A simple payment process can improve the overall user experience, influencing customer satisfaction, retention and the likelihood of repeat purchases.

  • Trust and security
    Selecting a trusted and secure payment processor can help to create a safe environment for your users. Security mishaps, such as payment data breaches, can cause irreparable harm to a marketplace's reputation.

  • Global reach
    Marketplaces with international ambitions should choose a payment processor that supports multiple currencies and region-specific payment methods.

  • Scalability
    As your marketplace expands, your payment system should be able to manage an increasing volume of transactions without compromising on performance, even during peak usage times.

  • Regulatory compliance
    It's necessary to comply with regional and international regulations when dealing with financial transactions and personal data. A reliable payment processor will help to maintain compliance, mitigating potential legal risks.

  • Revenue generation
    Marketplaces often rely on commission-based models for revenue. It's important to select a payment system that supports this type of model and offers dependable transaction tracking and reporting.

  • Dispute resolution
    The payment system should handle chargebacks and refunds efficiently, maintaining a harmonious buyer-seller relationship.

  • Payouts to sellers
    Payouts that are easy, quick and flexible can make a marketplace more attractive to sellers.

A payment infrastructure connects a marketplace with its buyers and sellers, creating a cohesive, functional and thriving digital ecosystem. A well-integrated payment solution can turn a good marketplace into a great one.

Choosing a payment provider for a marketplace

Choosing a payment provider for a marketplace requires thoughtful consideration of several factors. The decision could have a significant effect on the user experience, operational efficiency and overall success of your marketplace. Here are the important factors that you should consider when deciding which marketplace payment provider to work with:

  • Costs
    The fees associated with using a payment provider may include transaction fees, setup fees, monthly fees and possibly additional fees for other services, such as fraud protection. Comparing these costs across different providers can help you to make an informed decision. Stripe, for example, offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model. It charges a fee per successful transaction, with no setup or monthly fees, and offers volume discounts to businesses with large payment volumes or unique business models.

  • Global capabilities
    If your marketplace caters to an international audience or if you have expansion plans that include cross-border payments, your payment provider needs to support multiple currencies and be available in multiple countries. Supporting local payment methods in different regions can also boost conversions and improve the user experience. Stripe supports processing payments in over 135 currencies and is available in 46 countries, making it an ideal choice for marketplaces with a global presence.

  • Ease of integration
    The provider's system should integrate seamlessly with your marketplace platform. Some providers offer flexible APIs that make integration easier. Reducing the time and resources spent on integration will allow you to focus more on other aspects of your business. Stripe offers robust APIs and SDKs, which make it easy to integrate its platform into your marketplace, regardless of the technology stack that you use.

  • Payout flexibility
    Your payment provider should handle the payout process efficiently. This includes offering flexible payout schedules, the ability to pay out to bank accounts in different countries, and the option to split payments between you and your sellers. Stripe Connect (more on this below) is designed specifically for marketplaces and platforms. It provides payout flexibility and supports instant payouts, scheduled payouts and the ability to send money to sellers in more than 25 countries in their local currency.

  • Security
    Given the sensitivity of payment data, your provider must have robust security measures in place. This includes encryption for data security, fraud detection systems and compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Stripe places a strong emphasis on security, using machine-learning algorithms for fraud detection and providing encryption for data security. Stripe also has the highest level of PCI-DSS compliance, which ensures that payment data is handled in the most secure environment.

  • Regulatory compliance
    Payment transactions are subject to various legal and regulatory requirements. The right provider will help you to navigate these complexities and ensure that you remain compliant with applicable laws and regulations. Stripe helps you to handle complex regulatory-compliance issues, such as Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. With Stripe, you can onboard sellers in a compliant manner, while it takes care of verifying your sellers' identities.

  • Dispute management
    At times, buyers may dispute charges, or ask for chargebacks or refunds. Your provider should have systems in place to manage these situations effectively, helping you to maintain good relationships with your buyers and sellers. Stripe provides tools to help manage disputes and chargebacks. You can submit evidence directly through your Stripe Dashboard and Stripe's algorithms will guide you on how to prevent future disputes.

  • Customer support
    If something goes wrong, you need to be able to get in touch with your provider quickly and easily. Stripe offers various support options, including 24/7 email, chat and phone support, in addition to an extensive library of content covering product functionality and troubleshooting.

  • Scalability
    As your marketplace grows, your payment provider should be able to scale with you. Whether it's handling more transactions, accommodating more sellers or expanding into new regions, they should be capable of supporting your growth. Stripe is built to scale and can handle large volumes of transactions as your marketplace grows, so you can expand into new regions or add more sellers.

  • Reliability
    Your provider should have a solid track record of uptime and performance. Any downtime can lead to lost sales and a poor user experience.

After considering these factors, you should have a shortlist of providers that meet your requirements. Get in touch with these providers to ask for more information, request demos or even conduct a small pilot to test their systems. It's a complex process, but finding the right provider can make a significant difference in the success of your marketplace.

Stripe Connect for marketplace payments

Stripe Connect is a powerful payments platform that has been designed specifically for marketplaces, crowdfunding platforms and other business models that need to handle payments between multiple parties. It's built to handle complex payment flows and accommodate the needs of a wide variety of businesses. Here's how it facilitates marketplace payments:

  • Multiple accounts handling
    Stripe Connect allows you to manage payments for multiple sellers or service providers. Each seller has their own secure Stripe account, which you can charge or pay out to. This makes it easier to handle the financial operations of a multi-seller marketplace.

  • Customisable payment flows
    Stripe Connect supports various payment models. For instance, you can take a commission on each transaction, charge a platform fee or even facilitate direct payments between buyers and sellers. This flexibility allows you to design a payment flow that best suits your marketplace.

  • Multicurrency payouts
    With Stripe Connect, you can send payouts to sellers in their local currency, even if your platform operates in a different one. This feature is useful for marketplaces with international sellers.

  • Compliance and tax reporting
    Handling payments for a large number of sellers can involve complex compliance issues. Stripe Connect helps with managing these complexities by taking care of KYC checks, tax reporting and other regulatory requirements.

  • Security and fraud prevention
    Stripe Connect uses Stripe's advanced security infrastructure and machine learning-powered fraud prevention. It provides encrypted transactions and continuous monitoring for suspicious activities, helping to maintain a secure payment environment.

  • Automated financial operations
    Stripe Connect can automate various financial operations, such as scheduling payouts to sellers, reconciling transactions and creating financial reports. This can reduce the administrative workload of running a marketplace significantly.

  • Unified dashboard
    Stripe Connect provides a unified dashboard where you can manage payments, view detailed financial reports, handle disputes and more, for all connected accounts. This can be a great time-saver and provides you with a comprehensive overview of your financial operations.

  • Instant payouts
    With Stripe Connect, you can give your sellers the option to receive their earnings instantly. This can be a compelling feature for attracting and retaining sellers on your platform.

Stripe Connect is a comprehensive solution for handling marketplace payments. Its features are designed to streamline financial operations, handle regulatory complexities and provide a smooth payment experience for both you and your sellers. Go here to get started.

The content in this article is for general information and education purposes only and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Stripe does not warrant or guarantee the accurateness, completeness, adequacy, or currency of the information in the article. You should seek the advice of a competent attorney or accountant licensed to practice in your jurisdiction for advice on your particular situation.

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