Stripe Organizations Terms of Service

Invite Only

Last Updated: April 8, 2024

1.1 Use of Organizations. Stripe Organizations is a Beta Service that enables you to join two or more Stripe Accounts (each, once joined, an “Organization Account”) together into an “Organization”.  

1.2 Conditions of Use. Each Stripe Account can only join a single Organization at any time. Only Stripe Accounts that you or an Affiliate own may join the same Organization. If you or any other Stripe user in your Organization experiences a Change of Control that excludes you or them as an Affiliate of the other Stripe users in an Organization, then it is your obligation and responsibility to  immediately remove your Organization Account from the Organization, as applicable. Stripe may at any time remove an Organization Account from an Organization with users that don't qualify as Affiliates of each other.

1.3 Administration of Organization. By joining an Organization, each Organization Account authorizes all other Organization Accounts that are part of the same Organization to act on each other’s behalf, such as taking actions to enable paid features, adding Stripe users, and accessing account data.  

1.4 Sharing of Personal Data. You represent as of the Effective Date, and warrant during the Term, that you have provided all notices and obtained all rights and consents, including from all Customers and other individuals whose Personal Data is processed in relation to each Organization Account, necessary to permit Stripe to lawfully disclose this information to each other Organization Account. You will not permit any person to access your Organization Account or Process Personal Data associated with any Organization Account in your Organization in a manner that violates Law applicable to you or any other Organization Account.

1.5 Liability of Organization Members. While your Stripe Account is joined to an Organization, you remain jointly and severally liable to Stripe for all activity within the Organization.