What is revenue leakage? Here's how to detect it and prevent it


Stripe Billing lets you bill and manage customers however you want – from simple recurring billing to usage-based billing and sales-negotiated contracts.

Learn more 
  1. Introduction
  2. Types of revenue leakage
  3. How to calculate revenue leakage
  4. How to identify the causes of revenue leakage in your business
  5. Strategies for preventing revenue leakage
  6. Strategies for reducing revenue leakage

Revenue leakage is when a business loses expected income. It's like a water leak from a pipe: money that should have been earned slips away. This can happen through uncollected billing, under-pricing or unrecovered costs. EY estimates that companies lose up to 5% of earnings because of revenue leakage, which is a substantial portion of revenue.

Imagine that a company sold a product but didn't charge for certain features because of an oversight, or that it provided a service but some hours of work weren't included on the invoice – that's revenue that the business should have earned but didn't.

Just as a plumber would seal a leak to save water, a business must plug these leaks to safeguard its income. Preventing leakage requires taking a vigilant approach to reviewing billing processes, pricing strategies and cost recovery methods. After identifying areas in which revenue is leaking, businesses must take decisive action to stop the loss. When left unchecked, these leaks can widen, draining your profit margins.

Reducing revenue leakage protects the bottom line and improves overall financial health and sustainability. Below, we'll discuss what you need to know to minimise revenue leakage and, ideally, prevent it from happening.

What's in this article?

  • Types of revenue leakage
  • How to calculate revenue leakage
  • How to identify the causes of revenue leakage in your business
  • Strategies for preventing revenue leakage
  • Strategies for reducing revenue leakage

Types of revenue leakage

A range of issues, from administrative errors to gaps in process execution, can cause a business to lose income that it was supposed to earn. Here's an overview of the different types of revenue leakage.

  • Billing errors
    A billing error occurs when an invoicing mistake has happened. It could be an oversight, such as forgetting to invoice for a service or product that has been delivered. Sometimes, it's a technical error where the system doesn't capture the data correctly and undercharges a customer. This type of leakage has a direct effect on the bottom line because the business is not earning what it is rightfully due for the services or goods provided.

  • Pricing discrepancies
    Pricing discrepancies occur when a business sets a price for a product but charges less because of an outdated pricing model or a mistake in the price list. These discrepancies may arise from not updating the prices in the system or failing to apply seasonal price increases.

  • Contract non-compliance
    When terms agreed upon in contracts aren't enforced fully or are misinterpreted, it can cause revenue leakage. This may be due to not billing for all deliverables or not applying the agreed-upon penalties and fees.

  • Time and productivity losses
    This type of leakage occurs when employees spend time on a project that isn't fully accounted for or billed to the client.

  • Service or product theft
    This type of leakage is the unauthorised use or distribution of a company's services or products. For example, if a software licence is used more times than it's been paid for or if inventory is stolen, that's product theft.

  • Sub-optimal use of assets
    When a company's assets – such as machinery, equipment or even human resources – are not used to their full potential, thus decreasing earnings, it's a form of leakage.

Each of these points illustrates a different way in which businesses may be losing income without realising it.

How to calculate revenue leakage

Calculating revenue leakage is like doing detective work – you need to piece together what should have been billed versus what was actually received. It starts with a detailed analysis of your business transactions and processes. Here's how to gather the information that you'll need:

  • Audit your sales and invoicing records
    Start by reviewing all your sales records and invoices. Look for any differences between what was sold and what was billed. If you sold 100 units but billed for 90, those 10 units represent leakage.

  • Examine contract terms vs billing
    Check the contracts that you have with clients against the bills sent out. Make sure that all services or products that should have been billed as per the contract were included on the invoice.

  • Analyse time tracking and work output
    Businesses that bill based on time, such as consulting firms, need to account for all billable hours worked by employees. Compare time sheets with the invoices sent to ensure that all billable hours are captured.

  • Review inventory management
    If you sell physical products, compare your inventory records with sales data. If there's a discrepancy – for example, if you have less inventory than you should have, given the amount sold – that difference is potential revenue leakage.

  • Check pricing accuracy
    Make sure that the prices billed to customers are the same as the most current prices you have set. If you find that older, lower prices were billed, the difference is leakage.

Once you have all this information, calculate the total potential revenue based on contracts, price lists and inventory, and then subtract the actual revenue received. The difference is your revenue leakage.

How to identify the causes of revenue leakage in your business

Identifying the causes of revenue leakage in your business requires examining your operations and tracing back in situations where the numbers don't add up. Here's how to find where revenue leakage may be happening:

  • Detailed process reviews
    Check every step of your sales and operations processes, from the initial order to the final payment. Look for places where things don't align, such as services delivered but not billed for, or products that are given away without proper documentation.

  • Data analysis
    Thoroughly analyse your financial data to spot patterns that may indicate issues, such as regular shortfalls in certain product lines or services. This can show you where you're consistently losing revenue.

  • Employee feedback and workflows
    Sometimes employees can give you the best insights. Talk to your team and find out if they've noticed any recurring issues that could cause losses. Get a sense of their workflow to see if there are inefficiencies or misunderstandings about billing procedures.

  • Customer feedback
    Customers can also provide valuable information. They may mention billing confusion or discrepancies that you weren't aware of. If several customers say that they expected to be billed for something but weren't, this is a red flag.

  • Compliance checks
    Review compliance with all relevant regulations and tax laws on a regular basis. Fines or penalties for non-compliance can contribute to revenue leakage, and businesses can often prevent them from happening with the right checks in place.

  • Technology audits
    Assess your technology systems to ensure that they're not the source of the problems. Software glitches, outdated systems or poor integration can cause billing errors or lost data – leading to revenue leakage.

Once you've gathered your information, compare it against industry standards and look for deviations. This can uncover systemic issues that may be causing revenue leakage.

Strategies for preventing revenue leakage

Preventing revenue leakage requires sharp attention to detail and strategic action. Here are several tactics to employ:

  • Advanced analytics
    Deploy advanced analytics and machine-learning models that can detect anomalies in pricing, billing and usage patterns in real time. These systems can learn from historical data to identify potential areas of leakage that wouldn't be obvious to human auditors and can alert you to irregularities as they occur.

  • Dynamic pricing models
    Develop pricing models that adapt to real-time market conditions, customer demand and inventory levels. Algorithms that optimise prices can prevent losses due to outdated pricing strategies that fail to reflect the current market.

  • Forensic audit programmes
    Initiate forensic audits that go beyond traditional financial reviews. These are designed to uncover hidden discrepancies, fraud or mismanagement that could be causing revenue leaks. Forensic auditors are trained to look at the financials from a detective's perspective, examining not just the numbers, but also the behaviours and motivations that could lead to those numbers differing to what was expected.

  • Integrated contract and revenue management
    Use an integrated system that links contract management directly to revenue recognition. This ensures that every deliverable, milestone or penalty is factored into billing cycles and revenue reports automatically, thus reducing human error.

  • Predictive operational analysis
    Employ predictive operational analysis to forecast and mitigate risks associated with project management, resource allocation and capacity planning. By predicting where bottlenecks or inefficiencies may occur, you can adjust your strategies to prevent the associated leakage.

  • Zero-based budgeting (ZBB)
    Adopt a ZBB approach for cost management. In zero-based budgeting, every expense must be justified for each new period. This combats complacency and forces a regular review of all spending, uncovering indirect leakage sources, such as operational inefficiencies or bloat.

  • Tiered access control systems
    Tiered access control for sensitive billing and pricing systems is one way to prevent unauthorised changes or data breaches that could lead to leakage. Only employees with the necessary clearance can make alterations and all changes are logged for audit.

  • Customised staff incentive programmes
    Align staff incentives with revenue protection goals. Create reward systems for employees who identify leakage points or improve processes. This encourages your workforce to take an active approach to protecting the company's revenue.

  • Client success tracking
    Establish a client success programme which assesses client satisfaction and service delivery success on a regular basis. This programme can identify areas where the business may be over-delivering services without billing for them, or where it could introduce value-added services to support client needs.

Each of these strategies blends high-level oversight with granular control over the details, relying on technology and human expertise to prevent revenue from slipping away unnoticed. Businesses should use these strategies to create a fine-tuned system that detects, analyses and responds to any aberrations that may cause revenue loss.

Strategies for reducing revenue leakage

Once a business has identified revenue leakage, reducing it requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are targeted strategies to improve processes and recapture lost revenue:

  • Root cause analysis
    Before taking action, you need to understand what's causing the leakage. Perform a root cause analysis using data from across your business to pinpoint specific processes or areas that are problematic. This may involve examining transaction logs, conducting interviews with staff or reviewing system architectures.

  • Retrofitting processes
    Re-engineer any weak points in your processes by redesigning workflows, strengthening oversight at key stages or rethinking product and service delivery. The goal is to address the specific points where leakage occurs.

  • Revising and renegotiating contracts
    If contracts are a source of leakage, they may need to be revisited. This could mean renegotiating terms with clients or suppliers, or simply ensuring that you are applying and enforcing the existing terms correctly.

  • Strengthening compliance measures
    Tighten your compliance to avoid non-compliance costs. This could mean investing in better training for your staff, updating your compliance policies or conducting more rigorous internal audits.

  • Improving technological infrastructure
    Upgrade your technology to better track and manage billing, service delivery and inventory. New systems can provide more accurate data and reduce human error.

  • Debt recovery efforts
    If your leakage is due to unpaid debts, you may need to improve your collection processes. This may involve following up more aggressively on late payments or using debt recovery services.

  • Leakage performance indicators
    Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) related to leakage. These KPIs can provide ongoing visibility into how well the company is doing at preventing and reducing revenue leakage over time.

  • Employee training and accountability
    Train employees on the new processes and technologies, and hold them accountable for adherence. When employees are aware of the impact of leakage and their role in preventing it, they can be a first line of defence.

  • Customer education
    Sometimes, customer behaviours can result in revenue loss. Educate your customers on how their actions – such as late payments or improper use of products – can contribute to leakage and work with them to improve the situation.

  • Revenue recovery plans
    Develop a plan for recouping lost revenue within legal and contractual limits. This plan may include back-billing for services or products that were delivered but not billed properly.

Implementing these strategies involves looking at your entire business model and identifying where to make improvements. It's a cycle of continuous improvement, where you're always looking for new ways to refine your revenue systems.

The content in this article is for general information and education purposes only and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Stripe does not warrant or guarantee the accurateness, completeness, adequacy, or currency of the information in the article. You should seek the advice of a competent attorney or accountant licensed to practice in your jurisdiction for advice on your particular situation.

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