Endava 利用技术将人们聚集在一起

Endava 帮助一些全球领先的支付、金融服务、电信、媒体、技术、消费品、零售、移动和医疗保健公司提高利用新业务模式和市场机遇的能力。Endava 成立于 2000 年,总部位于伦敦,在北美、欧洲、拉丁美洲和亚太地区拥有 64 个近岸交付和接近客户的运营点。

我们与 Endava 全球支付主管 Andy Davies 讨论支付的未来、人工智能在行业中日益增长的作用,以及在保持轻松用户体验的同时建立客户间信任的重要性。


    Partner Ecosystem

What led you to specialize in payments and what keeps you interested?

When I started in payments 30 years ago, the industry was very early in its digital transformation journey. I’ve watched the industry evolve from paper, checks, and paper-based card transactions to the digital, interconnected world it is today. The speed of innovation is what makes this industry unique. From those early days to today, innovation hasn't slowed its pace and it's getting even faster and more sophisticated.

What keeps me interested is there's always something new: we’ve gone from paper credit card records to frictionless instant payments that don’t even require me to take my phone out of my pocket, and there is more change to come.

How will the payments industry evolve over the next 5–10 years with the use of AI?

The big shift is that global payments are becoming the norm. We've seen the evolution of payments go from just checking out at your local store to sourcing delivery from across the world with the touch of a button. Today, we can buy from anyone, anywhere, and payments are continually evolving to keep up with demand. One of the areas we are seeing innovation help this growth is embedded finance and embedded payments. It's a whole emerging infrastructure that is much bigger than what we’ve looked at in payments historically. It’s businesses utilizing tools to make not just payments but financial services part of their ecosystem.

AI is playing an increasingly important role at every stage of the payments lifecycle. We're already seeing onboarding solutions use digital identity and photograph technology to make it easier and smoother. We're now looking at how to analyze our client’s business records automatically. As we move into a world where payments happen almost instantaneously, AI can be an important tool in helping to detect fraud during these increasingly fast interactions.

Endava 的使命是重塑人与技术之间的关系,这一使命如何在全球支付领域开花结果?



Endava 是如何赢得用户和潜在客户的信任的?

自 2001 年以来,我们与全球商家建立了信任关系,专门为他们的复杂需求开发解决方案,并与支付供应商合作,帮助他们创造与技术进步同步的产品。我们不断创新,经常为我们的客户创造行业第一。举个例子:随着汽车行业进入电商支付和车内支付领域,我们正在与汽车行业合作。对于我们的客户来说,这相当于保持竞争力,通过新的解决方案加快上市速度,并通过出色的用户体验建立客户忠诚度。

我们目前在全球有超过 5000 人从事金融服务项目。我们会总结在澳洲、欧洲、亚太地区或美国学来的经验,把在某个地方学到的东西应用到其他地区或不同的市场。例如,我们经常与汽车行业讨论零售业的经验教训。我们从零售合作伙伴那里获取问题,并将其提交给汽车行业的合作伙伴,例如,如何打造卓越的客户体验?您是如何让它发挥作用的?结果令人震惊。我们的客户不需要犯同样的错误,因为我们可以分享五年的历史。我们可以带领客户快速找到解决方案,并一步跃进新技术领域。


简单来说就是依靠技术。获得合适的解决方案以确保出色的用户体验。确保尽可能无缝地使用安全的方法及其功能。我们都知道双重验证有多笨拙。从一个应用程序登录到另一个应用程序,来回切换可不是什么好的用户体验。这对于 Face ID 来说轻而易举,用户不需要离开他们的开始屏幕。您可以在不牺牲安全性的情况下,将用户体验放在第一位。这是我们与客户一起努力从而实现突破的一个领域。

Stripe 是如何支持 Endava 的目标的?

我们的客户之所以使用 Stripe,是因为 Stripe 拥有创新的解决方案、全面的嵌入式服务和其他地方没有的现成功能。这有助于我们为客户创造快速上市且易于采用的解决方案。Stripe 在我们持续的客户关系中一直保持高度合作。在工作组和论坛中,我们聚在一起讨论解决方案、难题以及对每个相关人员最有效的方法。这种合作是我们伙伴关系的基础。




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