Schedule queries in Stripe Sigma
Stripe Sigma helps you analyze your Stripe data with industry-standard SQL, making it easier to get powerful real-time insights into your business data. Today, we’re adding a couple more useful features in response to requests we’ve heard.
Scheduled queries
First, we’re adding scheduled query executions. With scheduled queries, you can now turn any Sigma query into a daily, weekly, or monthly report. We’ll automatically run any Sigma query you choose and email you the results. (And, as with other Stripe events, scheduled queries will automatically fire a webhook in case you’d like to take programmatic action.)
You can set up scheduled queries to automatically send a notification to share query results with specific team members on your Stripe account. For example, you can send:
- A list of high-value signups to a sales manager.
- Monthly balance reports to your accounting team.
- A report of subscriptions expiring in the next week to your account management team.
You can set up a schedule for an existing SQL query or write a new one.
Declines analysis
Second, you can now write queries in Sigma to analyze declines using detailed data about whether a charge succeeded or failed and why. If you use Stripe Radar, risk scores and rule data are also available to query. We’ve added a few new template options to Sigma to help. For example, you might use this feature to find why credit cards are getting declined:
We hope these features make Sigma’s services more useful for you. If you have any feedback or questions, let us know.