How branded checkout experiences can help businesses increase revenue


Stripe Checkout is a prebuilt payment form optimised for conversion. Embed Checkout into your website or direct customers to a Stripe-hosted page to easily and securely accept one-time payments or subscriptions.

Learn more 
  1. Introduction
  2. What is a branded checkout?
  3. How does a branded checkout work?
  4. Benefits of having a branded checkout
  5. Branded checkout best practices for selling online
  6. How Stripe Checkout powers branded checkout pages

As more types of transactions move online, the way that customers pay has changed – and so has the way they build relationships with brands. As the final touchpoint of a customer's journey, the checkout process is particularly significant for businesses seeking to strengthen both conversions and brand recall. The checkout stage is a key point of focus, where the effort to convert a sale either succeeds or fails. Among the checkout tactics that businesses are using, branded checkout experiences are becoming more important.

The branded checkout, with its meticulously designed touchpoints, uses the time-tested concept that consistency in branding – even in small details such as a checkout page – is an effective way to connect with and retain customers. Here's what businesses need to know about the value of a high-performing branded checkout, and what it takes to build and maintain one.

What's in this article?

  • What is a branded checkout?
  • How does a branded checkout work?
  • Benefits of having a branded checkout
  • Branded checkout best practices for selling online
  • How Stripe Checkout powers branded checkout pages

What is a branded checkout?

A branded checkout refers to the checkout process on a website that has been customised to reflect the business's branding elements. This includes visual elements, such as logos, brand colours and typography, as well as the overall look and feel, which is aligned with the brand's identity. Instead of using a generic or default checkout process, businesses choose to brand this step to maintain brand consistency throughout the customer's online shopping experience.

How does a branded checkout work?

Many popular brands often use particular colours, layouts and ambiance to create a feeling of familiarity when customers step into a brick-and-mortar shop. Translating that feeling to the online space – specifically during the checkout process – is the goal of a branded checkout.

The different parts of a branded checkout include:

  • Customised design elements: The checkout integrates design elements, such as the brand's colours, logos and typography.
  • Consistent messaging: The language and tone used during checkout match that of the brand's overall messaging strategy.
  • Personalised touch: Some branded checkouts offer personalised messages or product suggestions based on customer behaviour.
  • Feedback loops: Some businesses offer a quick survey or feedback option at the end of the checkout to gauge customer sentiment and make improvements.

The branded checkout recognises that checkout pages offer the opportunity to do more than just complete a transaction – they're the culmination of a cohesive shopping experience that stays true to the brand's identity. This attention to detail has the potential to make customers feel recognised and valued, which can consequently increase conversion rates, among other benefits that we'll explore below.

Benefits of having a branded checkout

Imagine walking into a brick-and-mortar shop where every display feels like an extension of the brand's identity. The branded checkout aims to mimic this sensation in the digital space. Here are some of the key benefits of having a branded checkout page:

  • Brand recognition
    A branded checkout serves as a constant reminder of the brand's identity. Every time a customer interacts with the checkout, the repeated exposure to the brand's design and messaging cements their brand memory. Over time, this consistent visual narrative can reinforce brand recall by helping customers connect specific colours, designs or experiences with a particular brand.

  • Trust building
    Many online shoppers – around 70% – abandon their basket before completing a purchase. There are several reasons why this happens, but a major one is if customers don't trust the website with their credit card information: 25% of participants surveyed said this is why they chose to abandon their basket. When customers encounter a checkout page that echoes the design and ethos of the main site, it alleviates concerns about security and authenticity. A disjointed checkout experience can raise doubts and lead to second thoughts, but a branded checkout presents a unified, comforting look. It reassures customers that they're still within the trusted environment of the brand and nudges them one step closer to conversion.

  • Reduced basket abandonment
    The trust building that a branded checkout helps create can have a huge impact on basket abandonment. When the transition from shopping to checkout is smooth and consistent, customers experience a continuous shopping narrative – one that reduces the mental barriers and hesitations that often precede basket abandonment. This means that businesses can provide a predictable, coherent journey from beginning to end.

  • Personal connection
    A branded checkout shows customers that their shopping experience matters to the brand. Personal touches, such as tailored messages or product suggestions, make customers feel seen and valued. It shifts the narrative from a generic transaction to an experience that resonates on a personal level. This can mean the difference between a one-off shopper and a loyal customer.

  • Feedback opportunities
    A branded checkout is not just an end point – it's also a two-way street. By integrating feedback mechanisms or interactive elements into a branded environment, businesses create an opportunity for dialogue. Customers are more likely to engage and share their insights when they're in a space where their input matters. These interactions offer businesses valuable data and insights to refine their strategies and cultivate strong customer relationships.

Offering your customers a branded checkout communicates attention to detail, customer care and a clear sense of identity. Businesses that adopt this strategy can expect a stronger brand presence and a closer connection to their audience. While a branded checkout page can't convert a sale single-handedly, it can work in conjunction with other efforts.

Branded checkout best practices for selling online

In branded checkout, there are a variety of best practices that businesses should consider in order to maximise their efforts. Here's a brief overview of those best practices:

  • Maintain consistency
    Consistency goes beyond using the same colours and logos. Every element, from the font sizes to the button shapes, should mirror the branding guidelines. This creates a uniform experience that reassures customers that they're shopping with a singular, trustworthy brand.

  • Keep it simple
    The checkout process must be intuitive. Avoid inundating shoppers with excessive fields or steps. The aim should be to guide the shopper to the finish line with the least number of obstacles. A straightforward process can significantly reduce the chances of basket abandonment.

  • Prioritise responsive design
    Today's customer might begin their shopping on a laptop, continue on their mobile phone during their commute, and finalise their purchase on a tablet at home. Ensuring that the checkout looks and functions optimally on all devices is non-negotiable. This demands rigorous testing on multiple device types to confirm uniformity.

  • Communicate proactively through smart design
    Active communication can iron out many potential issues. For instance, if a shopper enters their email in an incorrect format, a prompt response can guide them to correct it. Similarly, a provision for customers to share their experiences during the checkout can offer insights for improvement.

  • Be transparent
    Last-minute surprises when shopping online can hurt the customer experience. Businesses should display all costs up front. This includes delivery charges, taxes and any additional fees. Offering a clear breakdown of the total amount helps maintain trust and reduces last-minute basket drop-offs.

  • Incorporate personal touches
    Personalisation is powerful. Recognising a returning customer and providing recommendations based on past purchases can elevate the shopping experience, making the customer feel acknowledged and valued.

  • Test and refine continuously
    Online checkouts are always evolving. It's important for businesses to assess the checkout process periodically, based on updated customer behaviour patterns. This can identify areas for enhancement and make sure the checkout remains as powerful and relevant a tool as possible.

Creating an effective branded checkout requires a combination of design acumen, customer-centric thinking and continuous improvement. When executed with precision, it not only facilitates sales, but it also leaves the customer with a favourable brand impression.

How Stripe Checkout powers branded checkout pages

Stripe's highly customisable checkout pages turn transaction end points into an extension of your brand. By taking advantage of Stripe's customisation features, you can deliver a full brand experience, right up to the final transaction. Here's how Stripe Checkout works:

  • Customisable customer interface
    Stripe Checkout offers customisation options, from colours to logos, allowing you to maintain consistent branding throughout the checkout process. When your checkout page maintains visual continuity with the rest of your site, it eases customer hesitation and builds confidence, which can be particularly beneficial during the final stages of a purchase.

  • Pre-filled fields and saved payment details
    Customisation isn't limited to just visual elements. Stripe's API allows you to pre-fill customer data fields if they've shopped with you before, adding a personal touch. Personalised touches such as these resonate with customers, showing them that their time is valued and reducing needless friction in the conversion funnel. By optimising the customer experience, Stripe gives businesses a way to build and maintain customer loyalty – making customers more likely to finalise their purchases and return for more.

  • Language adaptability
    Stripe Checkout detects a customer's location and displays a translated version of the page in the local language, and the browser locale can be overridden if you want your checkout page to remain in one language. This makes your checkout page not just a payment gateway, but also a strategically designed funnel optimised for your particular audience.

  • Enhanced trust through branding
    Displaying familiar branding elements on your checkout page can improve customer trust, which is especially key for high-value transactions. According to the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report, 71% of survey respondents said that they need to trust a brand to buy from them. Because building a cohesive and recognisable brand environment helps cultivate trust, the ability to incorporate elements of your brand into the checkout process through Stripe Checkout can directly affect sales.

  • Comprehensive analytics for branded pages
    Stripe offers analytics that go beyond transactions to cover customer behaviour on your branded checkout pages. This data can show how your branding elements are performing, enabling informed decisions on design and messaging adjustments.

To learn about how Stripe enables an optimised checkout and branded checkout experiences for businesses, visit our page on customising Checkout.

The content of this article is for general information and education purposes only and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Stripe does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or currency of the information in the article. You should seek the advice of a competent lawyer or accountant who is licenced to practice in your jurisdiction for advice on your particular situation.

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