Opening keynote

主题演讲, Keynotes



Stripe 将依据其隐私政策来处理您的数据

提交此表,即表示您承认并同意您的个人数据将根据 Stripe 的隐私政策进行处理,并且您的数据将根据 Stripe 的隐私政策存储在中国境外。

Stripe’s leadership team shares our progress across three core product areas: Global Payments, Embedded Payments and Finance, and Revenue and Finance Automation. See what’s new—including AI-powered payments, our biggest-ever upgrades to Stripe Connect, and support for usage-based billing—and learn how we’re evolving to interoperate with other payments providers.


Patrick Collison, Cofounder and CEO, Stripe
John Collison, Cofounder and President, Stripe
Will Gaybrick, President, Product and Business, Stripe
Neetika Bansal, Head of Payments, Engineering, Stripe
Dave Hayne, Chief Technology Officer, URBN & President, Nuuly
Tanya Khakbaz, Head of Product Marketing, Stripe
Alex Vogenthaler, Head of Payments and Connect Product, Stripe
Bharath Srivatsan, Product Engineer, Stripe
Kady Srinivasan, Chief Marketing Officer, Lightspeed
Sharmeen Browarek Chapp, Head of Product, Revenue and Finance Automation, Stripe
David Singleton, Chief Technology Officer, Stripe
Daniela Amodei, President and Cofounder, Anthropic

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