How to accept rent payments online: A guide for landlords and property managers


Accept payments online, in person, and around the world with a payments solution built for any business – from scaling startups to global enterprises.

Learn more 
  1. Introduction
  2. Can you pay rent online?
  3. Online rental payment: benefits for landlords
  4. Best practices for accepting online rent payments
  5. Can landlords accept rent payments through Stripe?
  6. How to accept rent payments online

Property management has dramatically shifted over the past few years, fuelled in part by advancements in digital payment technology. Landlords and property management companies should consider offering online payment options to their tenants or risk falling behind.

Adopting digital payment methods is not just about staying current. It's about enhancing efficiency, fostering tenant satisfaction and ensuring the steady, timely inflow of rental income.

Below is a quick guide to how to accept rent payments online. From bank transfers to digital wallets, we'll examine several digital payment methods that landlords can adopt to improve their operations and meet evolving tenant expectations.

What’s in this article?

  • Can you pay rent online?
  • Online rental payment: benefits for landlords
  • Best practices for accepting online rent payments
  • Can landlords accept rent payments through Stripe?
  • How to accept rent payments online

Can you pay rent online?

Yes, landlords can accept rent payments online. There are numerous online payment platforms that facilitate this, including dedicated property management software and more general-purpose money transfer applications.

Online rental payment: benefits for landlords

Adopting online rent payments is a strategic business decision that can increase operational efficiency and tenant satisfaction in a variety of ways. Here are a few examples:

  • Streamlined operations
    Online payment systems automate the rent collection process, increasing efficiency and eliminating the need for physical checks and bank visits. This is a significant advantage for landlords, who are often low on time and resources while juggling multiple responsibilities.

  • Improved payment punctuality
    Setting up automatic payments reduces late or missed payments, offering landlords a more predictable revenue stream. This can help provide financial stability and predictable cash flow for rental businesses.

  • Digital record-keeping
    Digital rent collection platforms automatically maintain reliable, detailed transaction records. This simple record-keeping mechanism makes tracking and monitoring rent payments easier for rental businesses.

  • Augmented security measures
    Digital transactions possess enhanced security measures compared to their physical counterparts, reducing the risk of fraud and theft associated with physical checks.

Best practices for accepting online rent payments

Accepting online rent payments requires a considered strategy. By adhering to best practices, you can make the process more efficient and enable smooth payment processing, benefitting both you and your tenants. Here are key guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Select an appropriate platform
    It's important to choose an online payment platform that suits the unique needs of your rental business. Consider various aspects such as transaction fees, how user-friendly the platform is, the level of security it provides and whether or not it can be easily integrated with your existing property management software. A suitable platform can ease the rent collection process and provide a simple experience for both you and your tenants.

  • Guide your tenants
    To avoid hiccups, provide your tenants with any necessary information about the chosen online payment platform. Educate them on how to use the system, provide easy-to-understand instructions and consider walking them through a demonstration. This way you can avoid confusion, ensuring a smooth payment process for all parties involved.

  • Comply with legal obligations
    Digital transactions come with their own set of legal requirements and regulations. You need to ensure that the way you're accepting online rent payments complies with these laws. This could include rules about how payments are processed and stored, and even how you notify your tenants about this payment method. Adhering to the law helps avoid future legal complications.

  • Establish a comprehensive payment policy
    Create a clear, comprehensive payment policy that defines when the rent is due, which payment methods are acceptable, how late fees (if any) are handled and the procedure for missed or bounced payments. A well-defined policy helps prevent disputes and keeps the rent collection process transparent and fair.

  • Prioritise data security
    When dealing with online payments, you're handling sensitive tenant data. Make sure that the chosen platform is secure and complies with data security standards – and follow best practices for handling and storing data. This can help maintain trust with your tenants and protect you from potential data breaches.

  • Automate payment reminders
    One of the many benefits of digital transactions is the ability to automate processes. Setting up automatic payment reminders can help your tenants remember to pay their rent on time. Most online platforms provide this feature, including Stripe, allowing businesses to customise reminders according to their payment policies. To learn more about how Stripe handles automated reminders for recurring payments, go here.

  • Monitor payments regularly
    Regularly review and reconcile payments on your online payment platform. Proactive, routine monitoring can help you quickly identify problems, spot inefficiencies or security liabilities and address those issues promptly.

  • Keep up with technology trends
    Online payment technologies are constantly evolving. By staying informed about the latest advancements and trends, you can improve the payment experience for your tenants and make the process even more efficient and secure. A comprehensive payments provider such as Stripe constantly updates and improves the payment solutions that landlords and other businesses use to accept payments.

Can landlords accept rent payments through Stripe?

Yes, Stripe offers the necessary functionality for landlords to accept rent payments from tenants, using various methods such as credit cards, debit cards and digital wallets. Landlords and property managers will need to integrate Stripe's APIs into their website or property management software.

While Stripe can be used for rent payments, there are other tools specifically designed for landlords and property managers that might offer additional features tailored to this industry, such as lease management, maintenance requests and tenant screening. Understand the rest of your property management tech stack so you can make sure that Stripe integrates well with the other tools that you’re using to support your business.

How to accept rent payments online

Customers increasingly prefer paying rent online due to convenience, speed and security. Here are some of the ways that landlords can accept rent payments online:

  • Bank transfers
    This is a direct method where tenants transfer their rent payments from their bank account to yours. This can be done via electronic funds transfer (EFT), wire transfer or Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer, depending on what your bank offers and what works best for you and your tenants. As both parties will need to share sensitive bank account information, ensure that your digital and paper infrastructure will keep this data secure. Payment solutions such as Stripe are highly secure, but if you’re storing tenants’ account information elsewhere, implement tight security measures in those places, too.

  • Payment via a peer-to-peer platform
    There are numerous peer-to-peer payment platforms that landlords can use to accept rent payments. Some of these platforms allow for automatic recurring payments, making them even more convenient. However, these platforms often charge higher transaction fees and lack some of the valuable additional functionality that businesses have access to through more robust payments providers such as Stripe.

  • Property management software
    Property management software is designed for landlords and property management companies and provides a comprehensive solution for property management. They facilitate rent payments and come with features such as tenant screening, lease tracking and maintenance requests. These platforms usually charge a monthly or annual fee.

  • Credit and debit card payments
    Credit and debit card payments are generally facilitated via an online payment gateway or platform. This could be provided by a payment processor, such as Stripe, or through property management software that supports card payments. While this method is convenient for tenants, there are transaction fees associated with card payments.

  • Mobile payment apps
    Mobile payment apps are a popular choice among younger tenants. Apps such as Apple Pay and Google Wallet allow tenants to pay rent on their smartphones. You'll need to have a payment system, such as Stripe, that supports these methods.

When choosing a method, consider the convenience for your tenants, transaction fees, security of the method and financial regulations in your area. The goal should be to make the process as quick and easy to engage with as possible, which will encourage timely payments and reduce time spent communicating with tenants. To find out what it looks like in practice to accept rent payments online, read here about how Stripe enabled the acceptance of rental payments for one company across 200 cities.

Ready to get started?

Create an account and start accepting payments – no contracts or banking details required. Or, contact us to design a custom package for your business.