Vipps Mobilepay Payment Terms

Last updated: March 5, 2025

Vipps Mobilepay (“Vipps”) is a leading mobile wallet provider in the Nordic region. Your acceptance and use of Vipps via the Stripe Payments Services is subject to these Payment Method Terms, which supplement the Stripe Services Agreement with respect to your acceptance and use of Vipps:

1. You must have a company registration number in EU/EEA in order to receive card payments through Vipps.

2. You acknowledge that a Vipps payment is a card transaction that is processed as though your customer had entered the card details directly on your website. 

3. You may use the Vipps brands solely for the purpose of displaying your use of the payment method on your website. Any marketing or promotional related activities beyond this must adhere to guidelines outlined here and be approved by Vipps in writing.

4. You must comply with the Vipps Branding Guidelines. Your use of the Vipps trademarks may not create the impression that goods and services are sponsored, produced, offered, sold or otherwise supported by Vipps.

5. You may not accept Vipps payments for illegal activities or purposes, or, act in a manner that could be considered materially detrimental to Vipps’ reputation and/or brand.

6. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under this Agreement to a third party without prior written approval from Stripe. 

7. In addition to the categories of businesses restricted from using Stripe overall, the following categories are prohibited from using Vipps, in accordance with the Merchant Terms and Conditions provided online at:  

(a) The following products and/or services are a restricted business category and merchants in this category are not permitted without prior approval from Vipps and/or without Stripe providing written documentation of any applicable license of the merchant:

  • Cryptocurrency
  • NFTs. 

(b) In addition to the above-mentioned, the following categories are specifically prohibited from using Vipps:

  • Stock trade
  • Gambling
  • Betting
  • Stock 
  • Bonds
  • Money transfers
  • Debt collection
  • Multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes
  • Drugs, and tobacco. 

(c) The following products and services are blacklisted: 

  • Binary options
  • Streaming of porn 
  • Pyramid schemes
  • Pyramid business models
  • Multilevel marketing.