Startup Offer Terms & Conditions

Last updated: April 4, 2024

These Promotional Terms and Conditions (“Promotional Terms”) form a legal agreement between Stripe, Inc. (“Stripe”) and the entity or sole proprietor on whose behalf a Stripe account is created (“You” and “Your”). These Promotional Terms are effective as of the date that is the later of: (s) the date that You enter into the Stripe Services Agreement, and (b) the date that You acknowledge acceptance of these Promotional Terms or accept an Offer. The Stripe Services Agreement is incorporated into these Promotional Terms by this reference. Capitalized terms not defined in these Promotional Terms (either inline or by hyperlink), are defined in the Stripe Services Agreement. To the extent that there is a conflict between the Stripe Services Agreement and these Promotional Terms related to these Promotional Terms, these Promotional Terms will prevail. 

1. Purpose.

Stripe works with and provides benefits to Startup Partners to help their portfolio or startup companies support online and in-person payments, manage their revenues, and embed financial solutions into their products. In furtherance of this goal, Stripe, with support from Startup Partners, develops Offers to help accelerate the business of eligible startup companies. These Promotional Terms govern the eligibility, obligations, and responsibility applicable to Offers.

2. Eligibility.

2.1 Criteria to Receive Benefits.

To receive Benefits in accordance with these Promotional Terms: (a) You must be a startup company affiliated with a Startup Partner; (b) You must have received a unique, Startup Partner specific Offer; (c) the Offer must be Your first time receiving any free processing credits or promotions from Stripe; (d) You must submit all required data fields on Stripe’s Offer redemption page and comply with these Promotional Terms and any other applicable terms and conditions at all times; and (e) You must have an active Stripe account in good standing and be in good standing with Stripe’s account guidelines and policies. You may lose eligibility, and Stripe may revoke any Offer or Benefits, if Stripe has placed a reserve on funds in Your Stripe account.

2.2 Applicable Stripe Products.

The Offer will indicate the Stripe products that are eligible to receive Benefits. Express connected accounts or connected accounts where the connected platform sets the pricing and entities with negotiated rates are not eligible for any Benefits and do not qualify to accept an Offer. Additionally, certain integrations with Stripe are ineligible to receive Benefits. If You have questions about unique products or integrations, please refer to the FAQ.

2.3 Redeeming Benefits.

Benefits will activate once: (a) You redeem the Benefits in accordance with the applicable Offer; (b) Stripe, in its sole discretion, accepts or rejects Your redemption of the Benefits; and (c) You provide all information and take all actions reasonably requested by Stripe. 

2.4 Voidability.

All Offers and Benefits are void in the event of fraud, misuse, or breach of these Promotional Terms or any other terms between You and Stripe. If You cease to be eligible for an Offer or Benefits for any reason, Stripe may, in its sole discretion, cease providing any or all Benefits immediately upon Your losing of eligibility.

3. Benefits.

3.1 Applicability of Benefits.

Stripe will waive Stripe fees on Your first, or if You have opened a Stripe Account prior to redeeming the applicable Offer, Your next, Stripe processing activity, in accordance with the benefits in the applicable Offer. Benefits applicable to Stripe products will be as specifically set forth in the Offer.

3.2 Timeline to Use Benefits.

The Offer, and all Benefits, expires 12 months after redemption. The Offer may have additional details pertaining to redemption periods and Benefits timelines. If the terms concerning timing of an Offer conflict with this Section 3.2, the terms of the Offer will supersede and control.

3.3 Use of Benefits.

Benefits are only valid for payments that Stripe processes or, if applicable, product fees incurred, on or after the date You redeem the Offer and Your Stripe account is activated. Each Offer code can only be redeemed once and only on one Stripe account. While the Offer is in effect, Your Stripe account will be charged its regular fees and the Benefits will appear as a credit on Your account against the relevant fees. Any fees and charges related to Your Stripe account that are not part of the Offer will still apply while receiving the benefit of this Offer

3.4 Discounts.

Fee waivers or fee discounts will apply in Your account’s default currency for payment processing fees only, and excludes other fees, including without limitation, foreign exchange, international card, manual card, and other applicable product fees. 

4. Your Obligations

4.1 Redeeming an Offer.

To redeem an Offer, You will submit all information required by Stripe, including all information on the Offer redemption page. All redemptions must be made before the redemption end date specified on Your Offer, unless extended by Stripe. The Offer and Benefits will expire upon the earlier to occur of: (a) Stripe having processed for You the volume of transactions specified in Your Offer, (b) twelve months after Your Offer has been redeemed, or (c) upon Stripe’s processing of Your request to to remove the Offer from Your account. Expiration of the Processing Discount through (b) or (c) above before Stripe has processed the volume of transactions specified in the Offer results in forfeiture of any remaining amount of fee-free processing provided by the Offer. By redeeming the Offer, You are giving permission to Stripe to share with the Startup Partner that You have redeemed this Offer. 

4.2 Warranties.

By accepting an Offer, You represent and warrant that You have full power and authority to enter into, deliver and perform Your obligations under these Promotional Terms and Your receipt and use of an Offer is not prohibited or inconsistent with any applicable laws, regulations, or binding orders (including applicable ethics or procurement rules) and will not create a conflict of interest for You.

4.3 Taxes.

The Offer will not be applied against nor does it act to relieve You of Your obligation to pay any sales, use, gross receipts, or similar transaction based taxes that may be applicable to You.

5. Restrictions.

5.1 Product Limitations.

Stripe may limit the Offer or any Benefit if You are already using a Stripe product. Stripe reserves the right to limit availability of Benefits for accounts using Stripe Connect, Billing, Radar, or Sigma.

5.2 One Incentive.

Unless expressly authorized by Stripe in writing, the Offer may not be used in conjunction with any other promotional or incentive offer from Stripe or its Affiliates.

5.3 Offer Assignment.

You may not sell, license, rent or otherwise transfer the Offer. The Offer may be applied only to Your own Stripe account. The Offer has no intrinsic or cash value, is not redeemable or purchasable and is non-refundable. 

5.4 Publicity.

You may not issue any press release or make any other public disclosure regarding Stripe, Stripe Affiliates, or the offer without Stripe’s prior written consent.

6. Definitions.

Affiliate” means an entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with a party to this Agreement.

Benefits” means the beneficial terms and specific details contained in an Offer.

Offer” means a promotion sent to You from Stripe or a Startup Partner containing incentives to use Stripe products, which may include fee free processing.

Startup Partner” means accelerators, incubators, venture capitalists and other organizations that Stripe works with to distribute benefits to selected startup companies.