How to create a frictionless checkout experience

Once you get a hard-earned visitor to checkout, it’s important that you convert them. Yet, 99% of checkouts are riddled with basic errors that cause abandoned purchases—but what exactly are those errors? And how do you avoid them? We set out to answer these questions in our report with VML.

Get the report to learn more

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Boost customer conversions and maximise revenue

Best practices for optimising your checkout

As customer preferences and behaviours shift, it’s important that you continually optimise your purchase journey to meet their expectations by:
  • Offering the right payment options at the right time
  • Delivering fast express checkouts such as one-click checkout
  • Unifying omnichannel experiences

Key research findings

Friction-free experiences are non-negotiable

Drawing on the latest customer, industry, and technology research from Stripe, this new report by VML found that:


of consumers say that it is important for a website to provide the most common payment method in their country.


of customers will abandon their cart if their preferred payment method isn’t available.


of customers are more likely to purchase if one-click checkout options are offered.


of customers would abandon a checkout that requires more than two minutes to complete.

为什么选择 Stripe



Stripe 已经帮助许多 10 亿美元以上级别的企业在数字世界中茁壮成长,改善客户体验,解锁新的收入流——所有这一切均是在简化运营的同时实现的。


Stripe 是一个一体化的平台,因此您的团队不需要拼接不同的系统,也不需要花费数月来集成支付功能。清晰的文档和支持资源确保您的业务可以继续快速发展。

利用 Stripe 走向全球

启动新的市场、货币和支付方式——只需对您的代码进行最少量的修改。Stripe 处理所有跨境资金流动和货币兑换,让您可以用您的本国货币接收提现。

利用 Stripe 发展业务

无论您是何种业务模式——SaaS、直销电商、平台、交易市场——Stripe 平台都能根据数十亿交易为您智能优化,帮助阻止欺诈,让您的收入最大化。


选用灵活便捷的付费方案,即刻体验 Stripe 功能强大的支付平台。需要企业定制方案?欢迎随时与我们联系。