Modernisieren Sie Ihre Finanzinfrastruktur, um kein Geld zu verschenken

Vivek Sharma, Head of Revenue and Finance Automation bei Stripe, ist Gastgeber eines Gesprächs mit Finanz-Managerinnen und -Managern von Shipt und Kajabi. Diese berichten, wie sie ihre Finanzsysteme optimiert haben, um die Umsätze zu steigern und manuelle Prozesse zu automatisieren. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie von einer integrierten Suite zur Umsatz- und Finanzautomatisierung profitieren können, die den gesamten Lebenszyklus Ihres Cashflows abdeckt – von der Beseitigung manueller Backend-Aufgaben und der Optimierung der Preisgestaltung bis hin zur Automatisierung im Steuerwesen und der Rückgewinnung von Umsatz.
Andy Lu, VP of Operations and Controller bei Kajabi
Courtney Myers, VP, Financial Controller bei Shipt
VIVEK SHARMA: Welcome, everyone. Great to see you all again. I'm Vivek Sharma, the business lead for Stripe revenue and finance automation. And it's such an honor to be here with you today.
The reason why we're here is because, even in today's wild economic environment, too many of you are willing to leave money on the table. And what you're telling us is that it's because your finance stack is slowing down growth.
Today, I'll share the five biggest insights that we've uncovered with our users that have helped them keep their finance teams lean and focused on growing their business. And we'll also talk to finance leaders, from Shipt and Kajabi on, to hear about how they've been successful.
But before we do that, let's take a quick step back and dive into why the typical finance setup is so problematic.
In its simplest form, this is how business teams earn revenue, account for it, extract meaningful insights, and then earn even more revenue. It's the single beating heart of any business. But for most businesses, it looks something like this. Now, does this seem familiar to folks?
Unfortunately, a lot of innovation we've seen in the tech industry seems to have overlooked these really core finance systems. Nothing seems to have improved since the early two thousands, so it's no wonder that most finance stacks are, you know, they're messy, they're upside down and complicated. And they come with a variety of challenges.
First, there's a real cost to having to evaluate and then train your team on each and every point solution that you bring in.
Second, with money flowing in and out of the company across many systems, data is stale and discrepancies are common. We hear all the time that businesses simply can't get the data they need to identify growth opportunity. So, it's not surprising that most businesses hate this setup.
Now, third, the more point solutions you've adopt, the higher the risk for data security and scalability issues. A flaw in one solution can impact the performance of your entire finance stack.
Now we believe there's a better way. And we want to modernize these finance systems. So, with your feedback, we have built a complete modern finance stack that automates tedious back-office workflows. A stack with payments and billing at its core. Our revenue and finance automation suite powers the entire lifecycle of your business cash flow. It works intuitively with your existing systems, including your ERP, CRM, and data warehouse. And its modular so you can choose which parts to adopt based on your unique pain points.
The foundation of this is data and insights. While efficiency is great, it's the data and insights you get from Stripe that will help you grow your business. So, let's dive in and take a look at opportunities where you may be able to unlock further growth and cut costs.
Now I've heard from many users who have legacy billing systems, and they've told me that updating pricing can take over a month. And worse, they've had to reject sales-negotiated deals because their billing system couldn't support them.
Now, the most successful businesses have the flexibility to adopt dynamic pricing, and constantly are reassessing what type of pricing model resonates with their own customers and maximizes their revenue.
Now, unsurprisingly, a growing number of customers prefer paying only for what they use, making usage-based or metered pricing one of the -- one of today's most popular pricing models. Usage-based pricing doubled over the past five years for SaaS businesses, and it'll likely become even more popular in the near future.
Another pricing model that is on the rise is premiumization. Many businesses are launching more expensive offerings. In fact, premiumization was talked about in 60 earning calls in Q1 alone.
So, with that, let's invite an expert to the stage to hear firsthand how they are growing their business and streamlining their revenue processes. Let's welcome Andy Lu, VP of Operations and Controller at Kajabi.
So, Andy, please tell us a little bit about yourself.
ANDY LU: Yeah, so my name is Andy Lu, and I'm a VP of Operation and Control at Kajabi. I have been at Kajabi for the last three years, and it's quite fascinating.
I was actually brought on as a controller right after we took on a minority investment from Spectrum Equity, right? And my responsibility initially was to actually come in and define internal control, define financial processes so we can build operation around it. And as the company grow and scale, I took on additional responsibility within the operation function. Again, like to build a optimal solution so the company can scale quickly and grow quickly.
Kajabi is actually a leading online platform for creators to build the knowledgeable product online. And our software toolkit actually allows them, and helps them, run marketing campaigns, analyze content templates, as well as like engaging their fans via CRM tool. We also provide analytical resources to help our creator run their mark -- run their business online more effectively.
VIVEK SHARMA: That's great.
ANDY LU: We have about 60,000 creators on our platform today. And together, combined, they have made over $5 billion in GMV since the inception of time.
VIVEK SHARMA: That's incredible.
ANDY LU: Yeah, and Kajabi actually lets our creators take a hundred percent of their earning. They earn through our platform, and all we ask for them is actually subscribing to our software product.
VIVEK SHARMA: You know, I used to actually work with gaming creators, and I can tell you this is one of the most like, hardest communities to try and cater to.
ANDY LU: Yeah.
VIVEK SHARMA: So, in terms of pricing flexibility, you know, obviously there's a lot of money movement happening here, right, what are some of the challenges that you've faced?
ANDY LU: Yeah, we obviously, we faced a lot of challenges, right? As a subscription-based company, invoicing and billing can also be challenging. And can always be a headache too. Because our subscribers can actually be on different subscription plans, they come to us at different times, and they pay us a different amount.
So, also other factors, like extended trial period, upgrades, and downgrades, can also be a headache. So, partnering with Stripe actually can help us solve this problem very seamlessly. Because, obviously, without needing a lot of engineering resources and time. Which obviously helps us move faster and quicker from a development standpoint.
VIVEK SHARMA: That's great. Now, the keywords being agility, obviously. I mean unlocking growth for your own audience and customers.
In terms of growth, you know, a lot of folks tell us that pricing is actually a lever for growth. Could you tell us a little bit more about that?
ANDY LU: Yeah. Great questions.
Kajabi actually sell, so again, sells software online to creators. So, our pricing is actually based on users and utilizations. And we currently sell three different plans. And in each different pricing plan, we actually have different products, different features, and customized chat support. So to enable our creator to scale the business online.
So, we often encourage our creator to upgrade to a plan that actually best fit based on users and utilization to scale the business successfully.
VIVEK SHARMA: That's great. That's great. Now one of the great things about a format and a session like this is, everybody wants to learn from you, so is there any tips that you'd share? I'm putting out the spot a little bit.
ANDY LU: Well, I mean, this is a challenging question, right? But I'm glad you asked. Because we are in constant mix of pricings and repackaging that makes sense for our customers as well as the company.
And I remember we did roll out a new product about a year ago. And what we did there was actually roll it out to a smaller region where we actually had a smaller base of customers. And it worked well at the time because we were able to like, understand the behavior of our customer, understood what they need, and was able to build a plan and product that met their business requirements.
And obviously, it works for a smaller region, but that doesn't mean it work for all other markets. But it's actually a good pricing tip that I think of.
VIVEK SHARMA: I love it. Thank you.
The takeaway here, folks, is that a billing solution that supports hybrid pricing models is the key to eliminating manual backend work and optimizing your pricing.
Stripe Billing lets you easily bill and manage customers however you want from simple recurring billing, to usage-based billing, to sales-negotiated contracts. But dynamic pricing only works if it's built on a solid foundation for the payments itself. So, you can grow your revenue by optimizing your payments process.
Now, our customers tell us there's a lot to think about which payments. Which payment methods are relevant for your customers? How to comply with global regulations. And how to capture the most revenue and reduce your cost. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. Converting customers can also be super tricky.
Almost a quarter of the most visited subscription sites have three or more errors in their transaction process. Simple things like not automatically verifying the card number, or failing to confirm the card type, are just some examples that result in lost revenue. So, optimizing that checkout experience can go a super long way.
Now, businesses like Tiller and Meetup significantly increase their conversion rates using Stripe’s optimized payment interfaces. And if you sell globally, or want to reduce the cost associated with payments, you'll probably be thinking about local payment methods as well. Which is great as the vast majority of online shoppers abandon a purchase if their preferred payment method is not supported.
Now, it was great hearing from Andy, but we also have another guest. So let's dive a bit deeper into this topic with Courtney Myers, VP, Financial Controller at Shipt, who is very familiar with the ins and outs of revenue collection.
Welcome, Courtney. The great thing, Courtney, is, you know, Andy of course has set the bar really high on the tips you're going to share with everybody. But please tell us a little bit about yourself and about Shipt.
COURTNEY MYERS: Yeah, so I am the controller of Shipt and I manage the accounting, treasury, and payment functions, and relationships with some of our critical vendors.
So, for those of you who are not loyal members of Shipt, we hope you all are, but for those of you who don't know Shipt, we are a retail tech company offering delivery and delivery and shopping services through a network of shoppers in a curated marketplace of retailers. And we're available to 80% of households in 5,000 cities. And a wholly-owned subsidiary of Target.
VIVEK SHARMA: Always be selling. I love it.
How important is a great payment experience for your customers?
COURTNEY MYERS: Yeah, so absolutely. You know, what's really important to us is that we enable that same-day delivery service that's convenient for our members. And so we want to make sure that we have a frictionless experience at checkout. And so really Stripe has enabled that through its payment processing functions. And we've enabled that member reliability that is critically important. And actually, our payment acceptance rate is 97%.
So if you think about that, we're maximizing revenues, which is really important to Shipt.
VIVEK SHARMA: That's awesome. So, with Andy we asked, of course, you heard, we asked about how pricing can be a lever for growth, but what do you think about payments to help drive growth and reduce costs?
COURTNEY MYERS: Yeah, so that's a really good question. You know, as we think about it, member loyalty is really important. That's going to drive order volume growth. And so, we want to make sure we retain those, you know, critical members.
And so you know, I talked about, I think Stripe helps us in a couple ways. One way is through that frictionless customer experience. And another is to enable features for our shoppers. So our members really invest in those connections with our shoppers.
So, we need to invest in our shoppers and bring those solutions that our shoppers need. And one of those features we've implemented is instant payout. And all gig economy workers want that. They need that. They want access to pay on-demand instead of that traditional weekly cycle. And so we've seen significant adoption when we implement that a couple years ago. So a huge benefit for our shoppers.
VIVEK SHARMA: Thank you so much, Courtney, for your insights.
Now, billing and payments are like peanut butter and jelly, fish, and chips, or whatever you're hungry for. I know it's lunchtime. Only when they are tightly integrated is revenue collection at its most powerful. With Stripe, you get one integration for billing and payments so you can deploy faster globally and benefit from more payment methods, higher authorization rates, and better revenue recovery.
We're also seeing many businesses think about optimized payments as a way to improve cash flow. For example, 90% of Stripe invoices are paid within the first 24 hours. As you all know, collecting payments is only part of the equation. Whether you sell physical or digital goods online or offline, the government wants its share of your sales too.
It's tax season, or was tax season, yeah. We hear all the time that collecting taxes is a nightmare. And we feel your pain. Staying compliant is challenging, especially as your business grows. Almost three-quarters of online businesses see compliance as a barrier to international growth. Because tax rates and tax rules change constantly, and they vary based on what and where you sell.
Let's take a quick look at some examples. Now, can you believe sliced bagels are taxed in New York City, but unsliced bagels aren't? And in the UK, biscuits are only taxed when they're covered in chocolate. And you know, the Ireland one is funny, the hot takeaway food and there's no VAT on cold takeaway. This is why the Colson Brothers, by the way, love potato salad. If you see them, let them know.
So, while they may be tempting to ignore tax altogether, there are penalties on top of uncollected taxes. In the US, penalties can often approach 25% of the tax due. And believe it or not, if you don't collect sales tax from your customers, you'll have to pay past due taxes out of your own pocket. Looking at Stripe startups, over half have already crossed tax thresholds and have tax obligation.
So, let's hear a little bit more about this real-life experience from Kajabi.
Andy, so, you know, I use the word nightmare and –
ANDY LU: Absolutely.
VIVEK SHARMA: And I just want to check -- I just want to check with you, are sales taxes actually a nightmare?
ANDY LU: Absolutely not something you want to deal with, right?
So, as a subscription based company that we sell over the internet globally to our creators, keeping up with taxes is always challenging. Not only in the US but obviously, like you said, all over the world where we have customers, right? Different state, different county, different city have different tax rates, tax changes and tax codes, and exceptions to the rule.
Even different countries around the world have its own definition to what it means to sell digital service over the internet, right?
So, we want to make sure we're doing the right things so that we can scale quickly and be in compliance with the country, state, we have customers so we don't experience any like significant and serious penalty as well as holding back for expansion.
VIVEK SHARMA: Yeah. We were chatting earlier, and I think you've been at Kajabi for three and a half, almost four years. And you've seen, you told me in your own words, you've seen almost everything at this point.
ANDY LU: Yeah.
VIVEK SHARMA: What did you wish you knew before you picked your tax solution?
ANDY LU: Yeah, I mean, like you was mentioning, a lot of small businesses and startup companies often overlook taxes, right?
ANDY LU: That's the last thing they look at. But we actually became a professional corporation after we took on a minority investment with Spectrum Equity back in 2019. So, beginning of 2020, we started looking into like tax compliance, not just in the US, but also everywhere around the world where we have customers.
So, unfortunately, Stripe at the time didn't have a solution for us. So, we had to partner up with a different tax software provider. And it became apparent because we were using Stripe for billing, and then we were using different tax software for tax calculations via an API connection, right?
So, most of the time taxes are calculated correctly, but sometimes, because of the connection issue, we experienced taxes that were not calculated correctly on, on our customer invoice. And we ended up like leaving money on the table because we have to pay out of pocket for the customer.
So, we actually decided to partner up with Stripe Tax. Just literally we enable Stripe Tax last week to our customers. And there we found out that we -- actually consolidating finance stack was important for us, and then also providing more visibility and calculating taxes in real time on our subscription was very important to us too.
VIVEK SHARMA: Thank you. And I've seen some of the feedback already. So, you know, any other tips you'd like to share with folks struggling with tax?
ANDY LU: Absolutely not something you want to deal with, right?
Yeah. Again like I mentioned earlier, consolidating finance stack is also important, right? And Stripe Tax make it very easy for us to transition. We literally was just disconnecting our API with the existing tax software provider and then enabling Stripe Tax as a feature within the dashboard.
And that obviously, we didn't have a lot of -- didn't require a lot of engineering resources and effort again.
And also providing a lot of visibility is great. Because then we now can understand and see taxes in real-time. Stripe also has a good dashboard for us to monitor where and when we should be registering. Yep. So, that was a great tool.
VIVEK SHARMA: Thank you so much, Andy. And by the way, it goes without saying that we've gotten tons of feedback to help us improve our solution. So I really appreciate that. Now that we established that there is nothing certain in this world except death and taxes, and chocolate-covered biscuits, let's chat a little bit about how we can automate your taxes.
Stripe Tax automatically tells you where you have to collect taxes, collects the right amount of tax, and provides you the reports to file your return. The best part, we can offload your tax worries in minutes with a click of a button or a single line of code. Now let's move on to an area that's commonly referred to as the back office. From reconciling transactions, to doing revenue recognition, to closing the books, this work is incredibly manual. It's painful, and it's largely ignored until problems arise.
Now, you've told us that it can be nearly impossible to get a single picture of all your revenue. Especially when you have -- when you're earning money through a variety of channels and your data lives in siloed point solutions. This inevitably makes closing the books super manual and even more error-prone.
Now, we found that Stripe businesses can speed up to 3,300 hours each month on their accounting processes. This is something that, again I think it's better said through our panel here. So, Courtney, maybe help us understand how this has affected you and your perspective on this topic?
COURTNEY MYERS: Yeah, absolutely. You know, Shipt was a small startup and, you know, obviously, our process is immature at the time. And, you know, when I joined and in trying to enhance our accounting processes, we had an extended closed time. And we had one process alone to account for subscription revenue that took eight hours for one individual to do. So it took, you know, a full FTE out of the, you know, out of the one day to get a set of work done. And we were trying to condense our close timeline and make commitments to our parent company that we needed.
And so we leveraged Stripe and implemented the revenue recognition solution. And what used to take us eight hours from, you know, gathering the data, putting it together in a complex model with multiple data sources and reconciliation activities that had to happen throughout, we moved into less than an hour. And we can pull a report, we can book our entry, we can do the analysis, and we can understand the results quickly.
And that was key for us. We want to make sure that we condense our close timeline to support other processes.
VIVEK SHARMA: Now there's a couple of magic words that are always mentioned in the back office and accounting. I think you know what I'm going to say, but you probably ran into a lot of issues, but I've heard the word spreadsheet and excel before. Tell us a little bit more about what you experienced, you know, pain points closing the books.
COURTNEY MYERS: Yeah, so our paint book points closing the books were really the reconciliation processes. So, all of these complex calculations created for, you know, a lot of eyes that needed to be on the data. And so we needed to reconcile, double-check, and triple-check. And some of these solutions that we implemented with Trust Stripe have really reduced that amount of time to reconcile.
Because the data comes from one source, we put in our general ledger, and if it matches the source to the, you know, the ledger, the reconciliation activities go away.
VIVEK SHARMA: So, out of all this, you know, the optimization, the agility, like in terms of the tangible benefits that you've seen at Shipt out of these streamlined a accounting processes, could you tell us a little bit more about those?
COURTNEY MYERS: Yeah so you know, as you can imagine, we can invest our resources in other ways in the organization. I think that's the really the important piece of it. We need to invest in growth-driving initiatives with our partners around the Shipt organization. And so I was able to pull my resources away from the cycle of month-end close, which becomes a routine, and move them to more value add initiatives.
And the other thing that I will say was a huge benefit is just delivering timely financial statements. Financial statements need to be relevant, and so the longer your close cycle extends, the less relevant those financial statements become as we need data quickly to make key decisions.
So, a huge benefit to streamline some of these processes.
VIVEK SHARMA: Thank you, Courtney. And goes without saying, but I'm sure your board and your execs appreciate the speedy closing of the books.
As Courtney mentioned, Stripe’s integrated revenue and finance automation platform helps you reduce the time spent on accounting with tools like revenue recognition, auto reconciliation of invoices.
So, let's take a quick look. Now, imagine that I am Typographic, a SaaS business that sells web fonts, and I'm in the process of sending in my monthly invoices.
So, in my invoice editor, I add the products to a customer invoice, confirm the quantity and price, and configure the tax rate. Then a quick review. And then send.
Now I'm a customer who has received an invoice from Typographic. It's super easy for me to pay through a Stripe-hosted payment experience. Okay, I see that ACH credit is an option, which is the simplest way to send large payments directly to typographic. So, I get to a secure banking information page and then send the right information from my bank, and I'm done.
Now I'm back to the Typographic Stripe experience. Stripe’s auto reconciliation uses signals on each incoming payment to reach them, to match them, to the right invoice. Now I can see that my customer pushed a transfer intended for a specific invoice, and Stripe automatically closed it out for me, saving me hours of work. It's that simple.
And to make reconciliation even easier, we're currently testing new features which focus on giving users better visibility over how their money flows through Stripe.
Now this brings us to our last topic. How do you grow revenue? Growing revenue means turning your newfound back office efficiency into insights and actions to increase your top and bottom line. Costs are top of mind for everyone, and customer acquisition costs grew by more than 200% over eight years. So, it's not surprising that the vast majority of businesses named churn reduction, or keeping those customers, as a top priority for 2023.
Now, churn rates vary by industry, but they're unfortunately on the rise everywhere. One-quarter of churn is involuntary, and almost half of businesses report seeing an increase in this type of churn over the past year. But 56% of businesses say they are doing absolutely nothing about it. This is mind-blowing. Especially when you consider the impact of churn compounding over time is like a rocket ship.
Courtney, I'd like to come back to you now on this. What challenges have you experienced at Shipt?
COURTNEY MYERS: So, you know, just as you described, churn is really something we talk about often because we want to retain our Shipt members just so we reduce some of that customer acquisition cost. And so we have seen kind of both the involuntary and voluntary churn. And we've used some of the solutions that Stripe offers to help us manage that involuntary churn through some of that smart-retry logic. And so that has – that has helped us and to ensure that we, you know, can get those, retain those members on our platform.
ANDY LU: Could you tell us a little bit about how you improved your Dunning process?
COURTNEY MYERS: Yeah. So one of the tools that we use is Stripe’s Smart Retries logic. And it has, it intelligently assesses when to retry that subscription payment for our members. And so through that logic, we are, you know, different from the old rules-based logic they used to have for retry. We've really improved that, you know, on membership activation renewal, that rate has increased significantly. And so we've seen some huge benefits of implementing some of these Stripe solutions to help us with churn.
ANDY LU: Yeah. Thank you for using the tools. And as Courtney mentioned, Stripe offers a variety of revenue-recovery tools. Such as a failed payment retry, expired card updates, which helps Stripe customers combat churn.
Now, these recovery tools helped businesses on Stripe recover almost $4 billion in revenue last year. And we're only getting started here.
We just launched new recovery and retention automations in beta. These automations allow you to create fully customized Dunning strategies without a single line of code. Now this is really exciting stuff. So let's take a closer look.
Imagine that I'm Typographic again. We just launched a new annual subscription to fuel their grow growth. Now let's customize the Dunning flow for this specific customer segment. So, when a payment fails, we can filter on the product that our subscriber is paying for. Okay? Takes a second. And the length of the subscription to identify exactly the right customer segment. And then we can increase the retry window to four weeks, instead of our default one week, to give ourselves a longer window to recover the payment.
Now, if all retries fail, we don't want to automatically cancel the subscription, obviously. Instead, let's notify the billing team so they can follow up with these customers directly. Now lastly, we can decide to cancel the subscription if the payment hasn't been recovered within the last -- in the 15 days.
And there you have it. In just a few clicks, with no code, we created a completely custom Dunning flow for this new segment of high-value customers.
Now, of course, preventing churn is not the only way that you can grow your business. We are currently in beta with Stripe revenue reporting to provide easy access to customizable metrics on business performance and ready-made reports and financial statements.
Now, let's see what this looks like.
This overview page gives me an immediate snapshot of how things are going with our revenue and our customers. Now, if I want to understand how each product is performing, I can click into gross revenue to see how much revenue each product has generated. And how much the products have grown over time.
Now I want to understand where my customers are coming from and how they're impacting our revenue. Here we have campaign channels tagged to our Stripe transactions as metadata. So, with one click, I can see this chart grouped by the campaign channel. Oh, it looks like our, actually, our Instagram ads are doing quite well, so it'd be beneficial to reach out to those customers directly with the referral code.
Now you can drill down for an even more detailed view of these new customers and easily download the raw data behind these numbers. As you can see, any key business metric is just a few clicks away. We also know how important it is for you to sync these Stripe reports with your data warehouse in order to tap into even better insights.
So, Courtney, another segue for us to talk about how you at Shipt have taken, you know, recently connected Stripe to your Snowflake data warehouse, is that right?
VIVEK SHARMA: Tell us a little bit more about that, please.
COURTNEY MYERS: Yeah, absolutely. You know, as you can imagine, we you we want to have data at our fingertips quickly. And with, you know, a company that was growing quickly with the Target acquisition and nationwide expansion. And then also with Covid. We had options to do it in-house, but it made a lot of sense to engage Stripe to help us do this. With the data pipeline, we could leverage an out-of-the-box solution, implement it quickly, and move faster with the data insights we had, bringing Stripe data in together with our proprietary data, able to move much faster. So, we have the insights we need in our organization.
VIVEK SHARMA: I actually want to punch on this point because it sounds obvious, but not a lot of folks are doing it. But what are the benefits of having all your data in one place?
COURTNEY MYERS: Yeah. So there, there's a lot of, you know, there's a lot of key insights you can have and you can learn. And so a couple quick, you know, a couple quick examples for us. So, one of them, you know, membership is something I know I've talked about, but you know, that's one of the areas that we're trying to learn a lot about, our members and who they are and what they do.
You know, the Stripe data that we bring in and understand about their revenue and their order volume along with what we know about those members on our own platform. And it's helped garner insights as we think about customer acquisition and retention.
And then, you know, from my own team it was interesting. We, as we got this more real-time insight, we learned there was some timing challenges with our revenue recognition. And we were actually able to recognize revenue quickly as we unfolded this with this data pipeline that allowed us to bring that data together.
VIVEK SHARMA: Thank you, Courtney.
Speed, agility, real-time. These are all the keywords. With Stripe Data Pipeline, you can automatically sync all your Stripe data and reports to your data warehouse. It currently works with Snowflake. You know, for example, at Shipt and Amazon Redshift in the United States. And we will support other popular data warehouses and additional regions later this year.
Now, by centralizing all their business data, Stripe customers are able to identify richer insights. ChowNow, for instance, was able to shift to subscription pricing, which dramatically increased the restaurant retention.
And it doesn't end there. Our revenue and finance automation stack is part of an ecosystem of other tools, and it works seamlessly with existing ERP and CRM systems that you may already have adopted. The takeaway is bet on data. And one of the easiest ways to increase your revenue is by adopting prebuilt revenue-recovery tools and pairing those with Stripe’s smart reporting.
Now we're actively building a lot more here in the hope that you'll ultimately have one source of truth and you can do even more with your own data.
Now, I'd like to leave you with this. We see a lot of businesses that are frustrated with their finance technology, and I hope that you now realize that there's a much better way. Stripe offers a modern revenue and finance automation suite that supports the entire lifecycle of your cash flow. It's on your terms. It allows your revenue, engineering, finance, and data teams to operate with more agility and unlock additional business value.
But it doesn't stop there. We're building based on what you, our customers are telling us. Courtney and Andy are the perfect examples of this. Thank you for being such amazing panelists.
VIVEK SHARMA: Thank you both for your partnership and the continuous feedback that you've been giving us. And all the ways that you've helped us shape our products. Please, please, help me give them a warm round of applause.
There's nothing more real than real customers, folks. All right. Thanks, everybody.