Stripe Insights 2023: Payments and fintech strategies

We surveyed more than 2,500 payments, finance, and product leaders around the world about how they’re planning to increase revenue and reduce costs in 2023. Our 2023 insights report includes exclusive survey data from global brands, insights from industry leaders, and best practices for implementing growth strategies.

Get the report to learn more

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Stripe Insights 2023

Growth strategies in an economic downturn

Companies around the globe have felt the impact of the current economic climate and its setbacks. Despite the economic downturn, business leaders are finding ways to drive growth and reduce costs by:
  • Localizing the checkout experience to maximize revenue
  • Embedding financial services to boost revenue and customer loyalty
  • Automating financial tasks so engineers and finance teams can focus on strategic work
  • Consolidating software programs to centralize data and cut costs

Key research findings

Survey highlights from over 2,500 payments, finance, and product leaders

We asked business leaders about three major ways for increasing revenue and reducing costs: checkout optimization, embedded finance, and back-office automation.


of companies that plan to expand into new countries will localize their checkout experience.


of all global companies—regardless of business model—will embed financial services directly into their product.


of companies plan to consolidate software providers, particularly B2B payments and invoicing.


of finance leaders agree that over the past three years, their teams have spent more time on operational work and less on strategic work.

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