Key trends shaping the future of finance teams

We surveyed more than 1,700 CFOs and finance leaders from businesses around the world about how they’re preparing for the future of the finance function. The report outlines how finance teams plan to evolve over the next five years to streamline their back office and drive growth. You’ll also discover how you can adapt to these trends to stay ahead of a dynamic economy.

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CFO report

Preparing for the future

Forward-thinking CFOs and finance teams plan to use automation and data consolidation to free up time to drive growth, cut costs, and focus on more strategic work. Here is how the finance function will change over the next five years:
  • Finance teams will consolidate software providers to make better business decisions, faster.
  • Finance operations will become more automated.
  • Financial teams will need to strike a balance between artificial intelligence and human control.

CFO report

Top survey findings

Learn how finance teams are preparing for the future of the finance function, based on our survey data of more than 1,700 CFOs and finance leaders.


of finance leaders want to consolidate software providers within the next year or two.


of respondents use more than 10 different systems to get a unified view of their company’s financials.


of finance teams handle more than 75% of back-office operations manually, eating up time for strategic work.


of CFOs say their teams spend only about 40% of their time on strategic work.

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