Use Stripe Radar to protect your business against fraud.
Stripe Radar provides real-time fraud protection and requires no additional development time. Radar for Fraud Teams adds customization capabilities and deeper insights and trend analysis for your business.
Radar evaluates transactions in real-time, using machine learning algorithms to assess the risk of fraud. Both pricing tiers of Radar charge a fee for each transaction it evaluates. Radar screens all types of payment attempts such as successful, declined, blocked, and flagged for review. Learn more about Radar’s features.
Design your integration with your fraud strategy
Use the Dashboard to understand how fraud affects your business
Customize your fraud interventions with Radar for Fraud Teams
Machine learning-based fraud detection
Automatically identify and block fraudulent transactions using advanced algorithms, and evaluate the risk score of each transaction.Custom rules engine
Create and implement your own fraud prevention rules based on your business needs, and set up automatic responses to specific risk levels.Risk insights
Understand the factors driving risk on every payment, and detect suspicious patterns in customer behavior across transactions and location data.Direct 3D Secure integration
Seamlessly incorporate additional authentication for high-risk transactions.Block lists and allow lists
Manage lists of high-risk or trusted users, email addresses, IP addresses, metadata, and cards.Real-time monitoring View and respond to potentially fraudulent activity as it happens.