Specify product tax codes and tax behavior
Add tax codes and tax behavior to your products and prices to automatically calculate tax.
Stripe Tax uses product tax codes (PTCs) to associate products with their applicable tax rates, which might be lower or higher in different cities or countries. Assign each of your products a tax code to automatically apply the rate and other taxability rules.
If a product doesn’t fit any of the specific codes, use one of the codes with “General” in its name to apply the standard rate of the jurisdiction. See our list of available tax codes.
Preset tax codes 
When activating Stripe Tax you can set two types of preset tax codes: one for products and one for shipping. You can set both in the Tax settings in the Dashboard.

The tax settings showing the preset tax codes, and the default shipping tax code.
Preset product tax code 
The preset product tax code represents your product or service in Stripe Tax. We use the preset if you don’t explicitly specify a tax_
on your products or in product_data on your transactions. As you process payments, we also use the preset tax code to display the tax thresholds you might be approaching or have exceeded, under the Threshold monitoring section in your tax settings.
Preset shipping tax code 
The preset shipping tax code represents the tax treatment for shipping fees when charged. We use this if you don’t explicitly specify a tax_
on a shipping rate. Stripe Tax allows you to change the default shipping treatment to Nontaxable if you don’t want to charge any tax on shipping fees. We recommend you leave the default as “Shipping” to ensure the correct tax is always charged.
To charge tax on shipping for subscriptions, you can create a Product or pass product_
for a line item called “shipping” and select the shipping tax_
Tax behavior 
You must specify a tax_
on a price, or a default tax behavior in the tax settings in the Dashboard, which determines how tax is presented to the buyer. This allows you to localize your checkout depending on the market. When you set tax behavior to exclusive, it adds tax onto the subtotal amount you specify on your price. This is common in US markets and for B2B sales. When set to inclusive, the amount your buyer pays never changes, even if the tax rate varies. This is common practice for B2C buyers in many markets outside the US.
Setting a default tax behavior (recommended)
You can define a default tax behavior that applies to every price that has no tax behavior defined. You can setup the default tax behavior in the Stripe Tax settings under the Include tax in prices section.
After you set the default tax behavior, all prices that don’t have a tax_
defined, use this setting and are ready for Stripe Tax. The options for the default tax behavior are:
- Automatic: The tax behavior is based on the currency that’s chosen for a product price. For the currencies
the tax behavior is exclusive. For all other currencies the tax behavior is inclusive. This also works with multi-currency Prices. - Inclusive: Inclusive tax is already included in the price. For example, a product has the price defined as 5.00 USD. The final price the customer pays is 5.00 USD.
- Exclusive: Exclusive tax is added on top of the price. For example, a product has the price defined as 5.00 USD. The tax charged on this product could be 10% and would result in a final price of 5.50 USD. (Tax rates might differ—this is only an explanatory example.)
To override this setting for an individual price, set a tax behavior on a price.
Setting tax behavior on a price (optional)
You can set the tax behavior for a Price when creating it with the Dashboard or the API. When creating a Price in the Dashboard, you can inspect the impact of your pricing model on your revenue.
You can’t change tax_
after it’s been set to one of “exclusive” or “inclusive”.

To create a Price with tax_
through the API, it might look like this:
For a multi-currency Price, use the currency_options.<currency>.tax_behavior parameter to set different tax behaviors for different currencies.
In some cases, you might want to use a custom price that hasn’t been pre-configured. You can pass in price_
instead of a price ID. For example, accepting a one time payment for a custom price might look like this:
Setting a tax code on a product (recommended) 
When creating Products in the Dashboard you can set your tax_
in the dropdown by searching for any available tax code. If you don’t, Stripe Tax uses the preset tax code defined on the Dashboard. If a product could fit multiple codes, for example, a SaaS product used for personal or business use depending on the type of customer, we recommend creating two separate products in Stripe and assigning the appropriate code to each.

To create a Product with tax_
using the API, it might look like this:
In some cases, you might want to use a custom product that hasn’t been pre-configured. You can pass in product_
instead of a product ID. For example, accepting a one time payment for a custom product might look like this:
Creating a shipping rate with tax code (optional) 
Checkout payment mode allows you to set shipping rates and charge tax on shipping. You can automatically calculate tax on shipping charges by setting the tax code on the shipping rate in the Dashboard or API.

Interested in using Stripe Tax for events where the location differs from a customer's address and might be subject to special local and state taxes?
Provide your email address below and our team will contact you soon.