Issuing regulated customer notices
Learn about sending regulatory notifications to your customers.
To comply with applicable laws, Issuing platforms must send customer communications upon certain trigger events. This guide shows you how Stripe helps you stay compliant by sending properly formatted notices when required.
Stripe offers a no-code solution to send regulated emails on your behalf. We recommend this option because it helps you stay compliant automatically.
Stripe monitors events requiring a customer notice, and sends an email on your behalf to the connected account.
Preview and send test emails
You can preview our email templates and send test emails to make sure your branding and email addresses are working as expected.
From Emails, click Preview and customize to view the Issuing notice email templates, then click Send test email. Issuing notices only appear on this page for US Issuing platforms.
Confirm your branding settings
All connected accounts that receive Issuing notices see your business name, icon, and branding colors in the notice emails. To manage these brand settings, go to your Emails, click Customize branding, and verify the information is correct.
Confirm your support email and set up your email domain
When Stripe sends an email on your behalf, we use your support email for the reply-to address. You can configure this in your Public details settings.
By default, Stripe sends Issuing notices from, using your business name as the display name (for example, “Rocket Rides” You can send emails from your own email domain, but you can’t change the local address (for example,
Review connected account details
Stripe sends notices to the connected account’s email saved with Stripe. If the connected account has a primary user with log-in access to the Stripe Dashboard, we’ll email that individual. If not, we send it to the account email address (if available) and if that’s not available, we send it to the representative’s email address.
To view notices sent by Stripe to a connected account, go to the account’s Activity page in your Dashboard and look for the section Emails to this account.
Events that require a customer notice
The trigger events outlined below require a customer notice.
Issuing Notice email templates 
Stripe uses the templates below to send emails to your users relevant to events that trigger them. You can preview each template from Communication Settings by clicking Preview and customize. Customize your platform name and logo by clicking Customize branding.
If you’ve configured your custom email domain, Stripe automatically removes the italicized text in each template. This text is included when the email is sent from
Dispute submitted
Dispute lost
Dispute won
Account closed by Stripe for Inactivity
Account closed by Stripe for not providing business model clarification
Account closed by Stripe for not providing url clarification
Account closed by Stripe for not providing use case clarification
Account closed by Stripe for Terms of Service violation
Spend Card application rejected for failure to verify identity
Additional templates for Charge Card platforms
Equal Credit Opportunity Act disclosures
In the templates above, <Bank specific ECOA footer> is replaced with the appropriate equal credit opportunity act disclosure for your platform’s bank sponsor.
If an account has cards provided by multiple banks (not common), then account closure templates will show the <Bank specific ECOA footer> for all applicable bank sponsors.