Create a Customer tax ID

Creates a new tax_id object for a customer.


  • typestringRequired

    Type of the tax ID, one of ad_nrt, ae_trn, ar_cuit, au_abn, au_arn, bg_uic, bh_vat, bo_tin, br_cnpj, br_cpf, ca_bn, ca_gst_hst, ca_pst_bc, ca_pst_mb, ca_pst_sk, ca_qst, ch_vat, cl_tin, cn_tin, co_nit, cr_tin, do_rcn, ec_ruc, eg_tin, es_cif, eu_oss_vat, eu_vat, gb_vat, ge_vat, hk_br, hu_tin, id_npwp, il_vat, in_gst, is_vat, jp_cn, jp_rn, jp_trn, ke_pin, kr_brn, kz_bin, li_uid, mx_rfc, my_frp, my_itn, my_sst, ng_tin, no_vat, no_voec, nz_gst, om_vat, pe_ruc, ph_tin, ro_tin, rs_pib, ru_inn, ru_kpp, sa_vat, sg_gst, sg_uen, si_tin, sv_nit, th_vat, tr_tin, tw_vat, ua_vat, us_ein, uy_ruc, ve_rif, vn_tin, or za_vat

  • valuestringRequired

    Value of the tax ID.


The created tax_id object.

POST /v1/customers/:id/tax_ids
const stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc');
const taxId = await stripe.customers.createTaxId(
type: 'eu_vat',
value: 'DE123456789',
"id": "txi_1MoC8zLkdIwHu7ixEhgWcHzJ",
"object": "tax_id",
"country": "DE",
"created": 1679431857,
"customer": "cus_NZKoSNZZ58qtO0",
"livemode": false,
"type": "eu_vat",
"value": "DE123456789",
"verification": {
"status": "pending",
"verified_address": null,
"verified_name": null

Create a tax ID

Creates a new account or customer tax_id object.


  • typestringRequired

    Type of the tax ID, one of ad_nrt, ae_trn, ar_cuit, au_abn, au_arn, bg_uic, bh_vat, bo_tin, br_cnpj, br_cpf, ca_bn, ca_gst_hst, ca_pst_bc, ca_pst_mb, ca_pst_sk, ca_qst, ch_vat, cl_tin, cn_tin, co_nit, cr_tin, do_rcn, ec_ruc, eg_tin, es_cif, eu_oss_vat, eu_vat, gb_vat, ge_vat, hk_br, hu_tin, id_npwp, il_vat, in_gst, is_vat, jp_cn, jp_rn, jp_trn, ke_pin, kr_brn, kz_bin, li_uid, mx_rfc, my_frp, my_itn, my_sst, ng_tin, no_vat, no_voec, nz_gst, om_vat, pe_ruc, ph_tin, ro_tin, rs_pib, ru_inn, ru_kpp, sa_vat, sg_gst, sg_uen, si_tin, sv_nit, th_vat, tr_tin, tw_vat, ua_vat, us_ein, uy_ruc, ve_rif, vn_tin, or za_vat

  • valuestringRequired

    Value of the tax ID.

More parameters

  • ownerobject


The created tax_id object.

POST /v1/tax_ids
const stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc');
const taxId = await stripe.taxIds.create({
type: 'eu_vat',
value: 'DE123456789',
"id": "txi_1NuMB12eZvKYlo2CMecoWkZd",
"object": "tax_id",
"country": "DE",
"created": 123456789,
"customer": null,
"livemode": false,
"type": "eu_vat",
"value": "DE123456789",
"verification": null,
"owner": {
"type": "self",
"customer": null

Retrieve a Customer tax ID

Retrieves the tax_id object with the given identifier.


No parameters.


Returns a tax_id object if a valid identifier was provided.

GET /v1/customers/:id/tax_ids/:id
const stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc');
const taxId = await stripe.customers.retrieveTaxId(
"id": "txi_1MoC8zLkdIwHu7ixEhgWcHzJ",
"object": "tax_id",
"country": "DE",
"created": 1679431857,
"customer": "cus_NZKoSNZZ58qtO0",
"livemode": false,
"type": "eu_vat",
"value": "DE123456789",
"verification": {
"status": "pending",
"verified_address": null,
"verified_name": null

Retrieve a tax ID

Retrieves an account or customer tax_id object.


No parameters.


Returns a tax_id object if a valid identifier was provided.

GET /v1/tax_ids/:id
const stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc');
const taxId = await stripe.taxIds.retrieve('txi_1NuMB12eZvKYlo2CMecoWkZd');
"id": "txi_1NuMB12eZvKYlo2CMecoWkZd",
"object": "tax_id",
"country": "DE",
"created": 123456789,
"customer": null,
"livemode": false,
"type": "eu_vat",
"value": "DE123456789",
"verification": null,
"owner": {
"type": "self",
"customer": null

List all Customer tax IDs

Returns a list of tax IDs for a customer.


No parameters.

More parameters

  • ending_beforestring

  • limitinteger

  • starting_afterstring


A object with a data property that contains an array of up to limit tax IDs, starting after tax ID starting_after. Each entry in the array is a separate tax_id object. If no more tax IDs are available, the resulting array will be empty. Throws an error if the customer ID is invalid.

GET /v1/customers/:id/tax_ids
const stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc');
const taxIds = await stripe.customers.listTaxIds(
limit: 3,
"object": "list",
"url": "/v1/customers/cus_NZKoSNZZ58qtO0/tax_ids",
"has_more": false,
"data": [
"id": "txi_1MoC8zLkdIwHu7ixEhgWcHzJ",
"object": "tax_id",
"country": "DE",
"created": 1679431857,
"customer": "cus_NZKoSNZZ58qtO0",
"livemode": false,
"type": "eu_vat",
"value": "DE123456789",
"verification": {
"status": "pending",
"verified_address": null,
"verified_name": null
Stripe Shell
Test mode
Welcome to the Stripe Shell! Stripe Shell is a browser-based shell with the Stripe CLI pre-installed. Log in to your Stripe account and press Control + Backtick (`) on your keyboard to start managing your Stripe resources in test mode. - View supported Stripe commands: - Find webhook events: - Listen for webhook events: - Call Stripe APIs: stripe [api resource] [operation] (e.g., )
The Stripe Shell is best experienced on desktop.